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A few hours had rolled by. The moon that illuminated the dark night sky was being replaced by the bright yellow sun, lighting up the cloudless orange sky of Cleveland, Ohio. The blinds that decorated the dining room windows were firmly closed, ensuring that the harsh rays of the sun didn't slip their way in. Just to give Spike that extra bit of protection, Buffy had also carefully drawn the curtains that hung on the antique rod. The only bit of sunlight that lit up the dim room came from the dining room entrance and stopped a metre short from the table. The young mother had been through so much already and finally succumbed to her exhaustion. Resting in a chair, she tucked her legs underneath her and used Spike's leather duster as a blanket. As she held it close to her skin, Buffy inhaled; his signature smoky scent drifted to her nose, and she eventually fell asleep.

Only a couple hours had passed before Gunn entered the room, yawning as he stretched his arms, his chocolate brown eyes immediately landing on the sick vampire. Faith had told him how ill he had fallen, but it wasn't until he saw it for himself that he was able to process the direness of the situation. Gunn hadn't known the rebel with a soft heart for as long as most the Scoobies did, but it felt like the blond had been annoying him for a lifetime. However, he would never forget how Spike bonded with their dearest Fred, and that made him make an exception towards the bleached Englishman.

Faith walked up behind him and found her own eyes stuck on the vampire. As soon as she saw him, it was like her chest was being crushed. The brunette didn't know Spike for long, and even got her ass handed to her by him within the first week of meeting, but her heart broke for her sister slayer.

"He hasn't moved. There should've been some improvement by now," Faith whispered with worry. Her brows knitted together. Neither have spotted the slumbering slayer.

Gunn's eyes ripped from Spike to look at his friend beside him. The night before, the demon fighter had found Faith alone and upset. The pair quietly shared some alcohol until Faith began to use Gunn as a therapist, offloading all her troubles onto him. The former-hunter-turned-lawyer didn't mind though, as he liked the slayer a lot more than he let on. Losing Fred had given him the push he needed to live his life and seize the moment, and that was what he was going to do... as soon as they got through this nightmare.

The man could see Faith was visibly upset at the situation, but he had a plan. Nervously, he let his arm pull her in for a hug. At first, she froze on the spot; she wasn't used to the sudden gesture, but then surprised them both when she wrapped her arms around Gunn, burying her face into his firm chest. A few moments later, Faith broke the hold, looked at him, and then cracked a smile.

"Bet you do that with all the ladies, huh?" she chuckled, her voice worn yet sultry, rasped from the fatigue of barely getting any sleep.

"Actually, no. Ever since I've been workin' my butt off for Wolfram & Hart... and with Fred being—I haven't really had the time to, y'know... socialize... with women." Gunn eyed Faith sidelong to note her reaction, but the slayer was stoic. She refocused on the sick vampire. Gunn continued: "Things have been a bit depressin' since Fred died... kinda makes you wanna bring the fun back in. Pretty sure I'm free for the next few days, at least." He flashed a comforting smile when Faith turned her attention back to him.

"Are you asking me on a date, tough guy?" Faith asked, narrowing her eyes in suspicion, and hiding a smile of her own.

"Well, I mean, it doesn't have to be a date. Just a drink... or food... or a movie. We don't even have to go out," Gunn stuttered, as he felt Faith's presence grow more intimidating the longer the eye contest between them lasted.

Then the brunette laughed out loud and gently shoved Gunn's arm. "Hey, I'm kidding. It all sounds fun. Just about finding time in between all the chaos around here."

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