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Dear Diary,

Today officially marks the day that an alliance between Archenland and Cair Paravel was formed.

I never wanted to marry again, I really didn't. In fact, I promised myself that I wouldn't.

I was trapped for so long that I lost faith in a world beyond the walls. After that, after feeling free, my fear of being enclosed once more had become all-consuming. And so I figured out all of the traps, the locks, the combinations, the codes, I believed that I could make any key and command any door to appear.

I never thought that a person that could both love me, and let me feel free.

No longer am I a therapist, a maid, a nymph and virgin, a nurse, a servant, or an appendage.

I haven't forgotten the tricks and the traps, but I have learned to leave them in writing and lock them away.

And so, this will be the last entry in this journal, for my new one has many blank pages to be filled, and the Narnian's have many stories to give.


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