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warning: this story contains details of domestic vïolence and emotional trauma, please look after yourself and do not read if any of this may affect you <3
(this is a long chapter x)

caroline's pov

The eighth day of our stay in Cair Paravel was upon us. And it marked the official beginning of the alliance between the Kings and Queens of Old, and Archenland.

I watched from the balcony as a myriad of Narnian's filled the courtyard, various species and a cacophony of laughter and cheers flooding my senses. My heart almost indulged in the joy that enveloped Cair Paravel.

Now before me, stood High King Peter the Magnificent, and beside him, Prince Alexander of Archenland, filling in for King Lune. The two announced to the inhabitants of Narnia that the opposing kingdoms were to be allied from that day forward, the details of the treaty being lost on me.

My heart momentarily stopped beating as he showed the paper in his hands and opened his mouth, not that it had ever truly closed. That small white scroll would set my fate in stone like a marker on a grave, my obituary to be read by my husband.

"Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances surrounding King Lune, both myself and my wife are to return to Archenland earlier than expected. We are incredibly grateful for the hospitality and generosity of the Narnian's and especially the Kings and Queens."

"We are due to depart tomorrow morning. Thank you"

Cheers erupted from the crowd. Brave Alexander, kind Alexander, innocent Alexander; oh what a hero he is, saving his ill brother.

My breath caught in my throat and I almost choked on it. I wish I knew how long Peter Pevensie was aware of our early leave, I wish I knew what Alexander had told him of the state of our King, I wish I knew if he was aware that Lune was actually recovering in our absence. Alas, I would know nothing and continue to know nothing because I am an accessory to a Prince, not a partner.

To my left stood Susan Pevensie, and to my right, Edmund. I could feel the burn of his stare on my cheek, almost as though he could hear the screams of mercy in my skull.

"It's over." My voice box managed to croak out, before my feet took me wandering into the palace before my brain could register their movement.

The walls of the bed chamber closed in, slowly moving forward with the intent to halt my air supply and crush my bones. I'd thought that I'd be wiser than this.

There was not much for me to pack for the morning, my eyes glancing around the room for my belongings. My brush. My dress. My undergarments. Yet something wasn't quite right. Something was missing.

I hadn't written in my journal since the night prior, so how could it be anywhere but here?

Within a matter of seconds, the sheets coated the floor, as did my jewellery and clothing. Pillows were torn from their cases and every curtain, blanket and drawer were invaded. My eyes instinctively flooded with salt, I can't lose the one thing that matters to me, not again.

What if Xander had it? What if he were trying to spite me? If he had read it, I would easily be dead by the time we reached Archenland. It held every thought that I could bare not to speak, it held my concerns and observations of the world, it held the truth about what my husband was capable of.

He could not know that I knew. My life depended on it.

The carpet skinned my knees as they made contact, the friction causing blisters. My hands making a home out of my matted hair and pulling the strands until my scalp begged for mercy.

As though my thoughts manifested into reality, the aforementioned man stepped into the bed chamber, only to see me sat within a pit of my own tears and belongings, the room a deconstructed version of its prior beauty.

"What on earth have you done?!" His voice boomed throughout my head, causing every muscle to tense and contract, his body approaching my own.

"I- I don't-"

I didn't know what to do, and so I remained still in that position and cried, cried out sobs of frustration, anger, and fear all simultaneously.

"Pull yourself together, woman!" He warned lowly, his hands gripping my shoulders and his tone dripping in venom.

"Acknowledge me!"

Solace must've heard the altercation, as her head peaked out from behind the door frame.

"Oh! Please Sir, let me handle this, I will mend the room"

"Ah yes of course! Thank you, Solace! Please, let me assist you." His faux smile knocked me sick. What a jester he was.

"Don't worry Sir, get some rest, you have a long journey in the morning."

"How generous of you! If you need my help, do ask."

It took almost an hour but the small girl had both consoled me and attempted to help me return the room to its original state, even reassuring me as I repeatedly told her I was sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't hate me. Let me fix this. Please. I'm so so sorry.

"Shhh, it's okay, we can fix this together."

Where is it? Where has it gone?

"Don't worry, Princess, don't apologise."

I need that book.

"See? all better!"

I'd rather die than go back.

It's too much labour.


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