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warning: this story contains details of domestic vïolence and emotional trauma, please look after yourself and do not read if any of this may affect you <3


edmund's pov

"Queen Susan has asked you a question."

"My apologies, your Majesty, what is it you would like to know?"

"Alexander was just telling us about your orchards, how is it you maintain them so?"

My ears tuned out the horrifically dull conversation, orchards and gables are far from the reason of the visit from our guests, so why waste precious time on beauty-parlour chitchat?

They weren't anything exceptional, although I couldn't help but dissect the couple before me, pulling apart their facades, it was far more interesting than the mindless chinwag.

As for Alexander, he was outwardly rather pleasant one would say. Yet I couldn't stand him. Something about his demeanour screamed 'pompous' and 'arrogant', though this fact was seemingly lost on my overly optimistic siblings.

Caroline on the other hand, she was the most fun to pick apart. The frantic look she shot at her husband was not lost on me, as much as she may believe so. I don't blame her for not focusing on exchanging pleasantries, but why is it that she seemed so scared of her own mistakes?

My eyes fell upon Solace offering various wines and spirits to our company, Alexander seemed almost offended at the gesture yet Caroline jumped for a glass.

"Do you have any children back home?" Lucy asked in her usual peppy tone, I can't say I was entirely interested in the subject of children, but my brother's glare warned me to stay attentive.

"No No, we have been truly trying, although we have struggled haven't we, darling?" The prince spoke.

Something about the look on Caroline's face made my stomach twist, it was dark, and empty, as though she resented the topic of discussion and yet was entirely disassociated from it.

"Yes, dear."

Her voice was cold and calculated, like she'd thought out every chosen word carefully before allowing them to fall from her lips.

"Surely trying women should not drink?" I would be lying if I said I had thought before I asked, but curiosity instinctively took the front seat as logic fell into the passenger position, a trait I was often lectured for.

"I am so sorry for him!"
"Please ignore my brother-."

Their panic was almost amusing. Almost. I could've cracked a chuckle if it weren't for the inevitable berating I would receive after this exchange was over. This would be a long two weeks if it were to continue like this.

"I'm sorry I asked."

That was not untrue, the tension that remained in the room following my comment was close to unbearable, the couple clearly had some form of sensitivity regarding the topic of offspring.

"Don't worry your Majesty, she will only be having the one, won't you, love?"



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