Chapter 4: The Warriors of Kyoshi

Start from the beginning

Using airbending, Aang manages to spin the two marbles quickly along an equatorial plane as he grins happily. Aang and Katara, Katara taking no notice and continues to sew. Tala kind of frowns a bit. that Katara is not acknowledging Aang. 

Katara Nonchalantly, still focusing on her task at hand. "That's great, Aang." 

Aang, disappointed, stops performing the trick. "You didn't even look." Tala goes up to Aang. 

Tala whispers, "It's okay kiddo you'll impress her some other time. She's busy with sewing Sokka's pants." Patting his shoulder. 

Katara, Looks over Aang and attempts to show enthusiasm. "That's great!"

Aang, dismayed. "But I'm not doing it now."

Tala went back to join Sokka and Katara on the saddle. Sokka seated on Appa's saddle. Sokka waves his arm breezily at Aang like he's trying to shoo him. "Stop bugging her, airhead. You need to give girls space when they do their sewing."

Which causes Tala and  Katara as the sisters cast Their brother an annoyed glare. Irritated. Katara spoke up, "What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?"

Sokka lazily resting with his arms behind his head. "Simple. Girls are better at fixing pants than guys and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that. It's just the natural order of things." 

Tala scoffs rolling her eyes crossing her arms, "Sure guys as in you? When clearing 90% of the time I was the one who caught and gathered food successfully. When it comes to hunting." 

Sokka, "Whatever! That's not true I caught things!"

Tala," Yeah they're nuts!" Slapping the back of his neck. Sokka rubbing the back of his neck due to pain. 

Katara, suddenly smiles. sarcastically. "All done with your pants! Shows that the pants is still ripped. "And look what a great job I did!" Both Tala and Katara smiling, doing their secret hand shake. 

Then, Katara angrily tosses the pants in his direction. Sokka as the pair of pants hit him in the face. He quickly scrambles to free himself.

Sokka, Protesting; Pleading. "Wait! I was just kidding." Sticks one arm through the large hole in his pants. "I can't wear these! Katara, please! Tala please help me! You'll finish it right?" 

Tala, "Figure it out! I taught you how to sew. Katara and I worked on your pants and No I won't finish it. Ya always ruin things ya big blabber mouth."

Aang with the trio in the background. Enthusiastically says, "Relax, Sokka. Where we're going, you won't need any pants." Aang yanks Appa's reins to the left, his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth. Appa picks up speed as he flies to an island covered with mountains.

Team Avatar is at the  beach, where Appa has landed and Team Avatar has dismounted.

Sokka, "We just made a pit stop yesterday. Shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out?" 

Tala, "Appa do need some rest." Petting Appa as he  happily rubs against her as if he was purring.

Katara, "He's right. At this rate, we won't get to the North Pole until Spring."

Aang,  "Tala also right, Appa's tired, aren't you boy?" Appa getting sleepy. Appa doesn't react at all apart from a mild grunt, which comes across less than convincing.

Aang nudges Appa against his front leg with his elbow. "I said, aren't you boy?" Appa puts slightly more enthusiasm behind his response the second time by grunting loud and opening up his mouth wide as if he was yawning.

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