Chapter Three

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Chapter Number Three

Why       God       Is      It   Me?

I woke up feeling better and I took Chole downstairs. I feed her and kissed her goodbye. And Called a Babysitter.

I walked to school. The bus didn't come that far. I was late for my first real day. "Would Wednesday Potter Please come to the office, Wednesday Potter." The speakers said, I walked there with my bag huntched over my shoulder. "yes Miss Wheatberg?" I asked annoyed, "The School photos... Your not there!" She said scared. "I Know..." I muttered, "Wednesday I just don't know what to do with you..." she said quietly. "Neither do I, yet I'm here am I not?" I asked. I was toying with her brain, trying to confuse her, It got better every second. "Ah, I... Yes.... Return to class Wednesday." She poke, "Yes mam!" I yelled.

My teacher is Mr. Dylan, "Sorry I'm---" I said running in class, I bumped into someone, "Gosh watch where your going dork!" I heard him mutter, I growled under my breath annoyed more than ever this time. I walked to my desk angrily and started learning. The school smelt as lemons. Perfect and juicy, I wanted to spread gossip... A lot! At Lunch I ate in the corner of the cafeteria, Alone. Cafeteria food is putrid. I walked out into the girls bathroom and splashed my face. I looked in the mirror, I nearly screamed. I... I have no reflection.

What to do!? I didn't know, I read heaps of books, None to my answer! I cried in the corner of the classroom. Mr. Dylan asked if He would like me to let him drive me home, I shook my head and wiped the tears, He called me after school and I went to him. "Yes Mr. Dylan?" I asked sniffling. "Wednesday, I think you should try the school therapist. She'll make you feel better. A lot better." He smiled, Therapy!? He was treating me as if I was insane, But Therapy might help, So I took his offer.

After eating lunch came my first therapy session. "Hello Wendy. Oh! Can I call you that?" The lady asked, She was young, twenty or so. I nodded "Oh yay! I'm Lizzy. Your therapist." "Hello Lizzy." I said bluntly and quickly once she finished her sentence. "Okay please lie down on this comphy sofa." Lizzy smiled, I lied down and yawned, "Okay, Let's start about a talk, What about childhood? Your parents?" I felt sorrow in my life, For this very second. And for all those years adoptionist parents took me and took me back. "I was born when my mother was eighteen. She put in in a adoption centre." I said bluntly holding back tears, I didn't know her name or what she looked like. I only remember what she did. "Oh, Sorry Um.." She muttered, "She came back when I was four or five." I said, "Oh Good!" She smiled, "But she dyed my hair pink then left me there forever until a family that loved me took me and didn't take me back." I said with two eyes slowly closing and two tears falling down my cheeks. Lizzy had a tear too, I know she feels my pain, "Um Wendy, let's uhh... Do You have a great family now?" She laughed trying to be happy when I knew she wasn't.

"Yes. I have a mother a father... And a baby sister." I said, "What are their names?" Lizzy asked, "Dad is Kevin, My sister is Chole and my mother is Emerald." I said, "What lovely names!" Lizzy smiled, I was in a tight situation, Lizzy was making me feel better, Why!? "Mr. Dylan. He said that you were crying last period? Why?" Lizzy asked worried, "I..." I covered my face in my palms and cried, "I Have no reflection!" I cried. Lizzy laughed, "Sure you do!" She smiled, I kept sobbing as she grabbed a mirror, "Let's see that face!" Lizzy smiled. She soon dropped the mirror and glass went everywhere, She was silent and I Looked down at the glass. My tear drops fell on them. Lizzy cleared her throat and looked through books, She got one and flipped through pages. I cried on the pillow that was on the sofa.

Lizzy suddenly dropped the book and screamed, "Lizzy!?" I asked worried, I saw her grab her pen and aimed for her eyes, "NO!" I yelled, I grabbed her pen. "Your... Your... YOUR A VAMPIRE NOTHING BUT A  MONSTER!" Lizzy said clutching the pen in my hands and stabbing her eyes. I cried and told Miss Wheatberg. She drove me home and Mum and Dad were not pleased.

"Wendy... No reflection? Vampire? Lizzy? Dead!?" Mum yelled upset. Dad held me close, "We need another blood test." Dad said seriously, Dad drove me and our new Nuse: Jenny Keithstone took my blood test, "Keep this secret. And Keep it safe." Jenny said seriously, "Yes...?" I asked, "Your a Vampire." She said blantly.

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