Chapter Two

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                                                                 Chapter Number Two

                                                                 New       School   Yay...

I heard My alarm clock buzz, I was too sleepy to pick it up and too lazy, It was warm today all I wanted to do was sleep, Until I saw what day it was today... Monday. The first day. I got changed into A jacket, skinny jeans and some boots: [ ] And went down stairs to get some food, Mum cooked us Waffles with lemon juice ontop. It's actually pretty tasty Give it a try!

I huntched my school bag over my shoulder and held my sketch pad with me. Dad drove me into town, Into the town square in his Ute. "Thanks Dad." I groaned, "Remeber to smile for school photos." Dad said. My throat had clunks in it, I began to sweat, My face turned red and My stomach had butterflies, "How could I forget about SCHOOL PHOTOS!?" I thought. "Honey? You look ill, Are you feeling alright?" When Dad was worried he'd take me home, I gulped and My knees became weak, "Wendy?" Dad asked, I cleared my throat but the clunk stayed I nodded wiping my sweat. Dad looked at me strangely, "Okay then. Get the School to call me if you feel sick, Bye Hon." Dad said still curious and worried, He winded down his window and drove home. I actually vomited when he left. My knees suddenly failed me and I fell, I had a large cut on my forehead and vomited once more before photos.

When I arrived I heard the speakers say: "All students report to the complex for school photos. Repeat. All Students report to the complex for school photos Please." So I brang my bag with me, My skin began pale, I knew I was sick, Then an old woman guided me in to the camera student, His skill was photographity. So he took the school photos. "Hey Girl. I'm Jude." he winked, "Names Wednesday..." I said swallowing my puke. "Eurghl." I said, "Problem?" Jude asked, "No!" I said sitting on the stool. "Okay Pose and say, Twisties!" This was bad. Food only made me want to puke more. "Please... Can I say Purple instead...?" I said my face turning white. "Um... sure..." He said Getting the camera ready. "1. 2. 3. Smile!" He yelled, "Purple!" I smiled, After the photo I vomited on Jude. "Eww!" He yelled, They called my dad and I went home, I was upset. "I told you you should of come home!" Dad sighed, I grabbed the bucket and Puked. "Your mother has set a appointment for tomorrow. Your lucky her boss let her have a day off." Dad said. "Yeah..." I said sickly

When I returned home My mother hugged me tightly. "Your Crushing My Brain and the medical and physical veins and blood cells near it." I said bluntly. "Oh Sorry dear." Mum Said, "Here, let's get you on the sofa, Kevin, Get a cloth and a large tub of water!" Mum demanneded. "Yes Emerald." Dad said going into the kitchen, She walked me to the sofa and wet the cloth in the tub and placed it on my head. "Just sit tight darling. I need to go to work, Late shift tonight since I'm having a day off." She smiled adjusting her suit. "You Look... Serious." I said softly. Mum smiled sweetly, "Ha ha, Thanks Darling." "Bye Kevin!" Mum yelled, "Bye Emerald Dear!" he yelled back. Dad watched T.V Near me. I feel asleep...

                                                       Wendy's Dream Land...

I woke up in a forest, I was in a black suit and had black boots on. I walked through it, Stepping on murdered animals and insects too. It made a squishy sound against my boots. I was pale... The forest turned Pink, then red, Then Pink, Then Purple, Then Blue and lastly it turned all white. I was alone... In a white area... With blood-soaked boots. I threw up and the white turned green. The Blood screetched against the flooring and it made my ears bleed. I saw words in blood all over: "Sick-o! Loner! Nobody Loves You! Your Pale as a ghost! Loser! Your a Vampire! Vampire! Your A Beast... Like a Fool! You Suck! I smell you in gym. You stink!" And I didn't even go to gym yet. My tears were silver and kept sticking to my face and as It happened I cried even more. Once the words soaked into me One word was still there: "Vampire!" It hurt my brain looking at it, My eyes fell out. My heart exploded. My Organs fell out and I threw up my intestiens. Then I woke up.

Then I woke up. I woke up screaming as The wet cloth flopped off into my lap. It was 10:09 At Night Mum just entered, "Honey?" Mum asked confused. Chole was crying. "I'll do it." Dad Yelled, "Honey. Nightmare?" Mum asked sitting next to me. "I Died. I am Dead. How is this happening? Is this hell!?" I yelled insanely, "Dr. Fawcett will help yo--" Mum started, "NO!" I interuppted. "NO! I'M DEAD YOU CAN'T SEE!?" I yelled, My breathing started getting heavy. "Honey Calm Down." Mum said rubbing my back, I just put my face in my hands and sobbed. In the morning Mum feed me because She tied my hands so I couldn't act violent. Then she drove me to "Dr. Fawcett." and once we got there I got anxious I needed fresh air. "I can't breath..." I said, My voice was streetching, "Here let me get you water." Mum said looking through her purse. "Here?" She said confused, She feed me water. "Drowning...." I whispered to myself.

A blonde woman came out. "BIMBO!" I Yelled as Mum held me back. "Please ignore her." The woman was offended. "Would Miss Wednesday Potter come please with Miss Emerald Potter?" She asked We Stood. "I'm Emerald and this is my daughter: Wednesday or Wendy Potter." She smiled, "Yes.. This way." And she led us to a half-asain doctor. And left. "Hello I'm David Fawcett. Call Me Dr. David Or Dr. Fawcett." He smiled, "Hello, Emerald." Mum said, "LET ME OUT I'M NOT INSANE!!!" I yelled. He ignored my behavior and slapped me hard. "WENDY!" Mum yelled. "What?" I asked annoyed. I didn't remember a thing! "Just a Blood te--" He screamed and smashed his computer screen. "Dr. Fawcett!?" Mum yelled, "She doesn't have human blood....." He shook in fear. "Mistake! She's Human!" Mum said worried, "In the flesh and bone." I said dull. Dr. Fawcett shook His head. "Maybe I saw something. Silly Brain!" He said slapping himself. "She's fine. She just had in intense nightmare. But she still is sick. More than the flu but Less than Herpies." He said. "Good. No Herpies." I said laughing dull-ly.

I went home not much time after... Dad hugged me. "Don't hug me. I'll puke." I said annoyed. "Awwh, She's perfect!" Dad smiled, "F.... Ergh..." I said thinking of swearing at him. Actually not.

In the morning I got my school photos from mail.

But something odd happened.

I wasn't there.

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