"Okay ! Take care of her and you Tiffany-ssi." The brunette gulped her saliva."Please don't make this pabo sad again." Narsha warned and pointed her finger towards Jessica.

"I'm not a pabo~" Jessica whined

"You're a kid then!" Narsha teased her make Jessica pouted her lips.

"Remember what i told you earlier,Tiffany-ssi." The brunette just nod her head."Yah ! Don't be like that to my love unnie.~" Jessica whined and hit Narsha shoulder softly.The eldest just laughing at Jessica childish side.

Krystal's pov

We just arrived at that retarded man house.

"Excuse me?" I asked him while Yuri unnie and Yoona unnie just staring at me.

"Yes?" He asked me while showing his so not charming smile.

"Are you Choi siwon?" I asked and smirking at him.

"Yes,i am." He said still smiling.

"You're Tiffany hwang friends right?" I asked him with my cold voice.

"Yeah,who are you and how did you know her?" He asked me and now he is so confused.

"Well,i am Krystal jung and Tiffany hwang is my unnie fiancee." I smirked at him after see his shocked reaction.

"Why did you kissed her?" Yoona unnie interupted us both.

"Tiffany? Because i love her!" He said and i just wanna punched his face now because he is so arrogant bitch!

"Yeah ! You shouldn't love her." Yoona unnie said again.

"Why? She is with someone else now? Hahaha i can take her away from this kitten's sister then." He said while pointing his finger towards me.

"You're so dead!" I exclaimed while glaring at him.

"WOW ! I am so scared now hahaha ! What are you gonna do to me? You are so small and you still a kid." He mocking me.

"I will do this then!" I said and punched his face and kicked his thing.He fall on the ground while groaning.

"Am i a kid now?" I asked him and he nods his head."If you bother them again,i will kill you and throw your body in the pool full with sharks." I smirked at him at slapped his face twice.

"You die!" Yuri unnie said and punched his stomach.

"I hate you so much!" Yoona unnie said and kicked him on the same spot where i kicked earlier.

"I a-am so s-sorry." He said while crying.

"Tell this words to my unnie and Tiffany unnie." I told him and make the last kicked on his stomach.

He fainted and i just looking at him.

"Let's go home." Yuri unnie said.

"How about him?" Yoona unnie said.

"Leave him there." I said still glaring at him and after that we left that bitchy guy there on the ground.

Tiffany's pov

I stared at my fiancee and Irene.They are still sleeping while hugging each other.Hmm Jessie really love Irene and me.Suddenly,i heard someone entering our house.Oh i forgot to locked the door.I run downstair and saw Krystal on the couch.She's spacing out.

"Hey Krys." I approaches her.

"Hey Tiff unnie." She replied me.

"Why are you spacing out?" I asked her.

"That's my habit." She said and still not looking at me.

"Umm Krys..."


"I wanted to apologize because i made your sister cry again."

"Did you say sorry to her?" Now,she is looking at me.


"I forgave you already." She smile at me.

"Thank you!!" I hug her and she hug me back.

"Hehe ! It's still 10:08 AM." She said and yawning."I'm going to sleep because i am sleepy." She grinned at left me.

'Typical Jung!' I thought and go to my room.I lie down beside my love and hug her waist.

"I love you." I whispered to her left ear and she smile in her sleep.

'Aww cute!' I thought and soon joins them too dreamland.


Hey !!! Long time no see !! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ miss me? Of course not! I will update the other chapters but maybe not today... Happy fasting day to all muslim all around the world :)

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