7 | ❝Be There❞ - Seungmin

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✎ vii. be there

 be there╚══════════════════╝

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"You missed our date. Again." You muttered, placing your bag down and discarding your shoes. He didn't respond for a couple seconds, only making it harder for you to not get mad at him.

It wasn't even his fault. He didn't have much control over his schedule, so who were you to get mad that it got changed last minute? You should be mad at his manager if anyone. Still, if there was a little more communication, then maybe you wouldn't feel as though you were being left in the dark so often.

"Sorry... I'm sure you're disappointed." He sighed, voice sounding a bit rough. You wondered if he had lost his voice again from straining it too much.

"It gets a little more than just disappointing after the 4th time." He didn't respond and you glanced at him only to see him typing some message.

"You might as well be dating your manager. You spend more time texting them than you do texting me." You said icily, already foreseeing you saying some things which you would regret later. But your brain was too clouded to worry about that. All you could feel was the disappointment, betrayal, frustration, and sadness that you felt after waiting for hours for him to just show up— but apparently even that was too much to ask.

"I don't do it on purpose." Seungmin mumbled. He was tired, you could tell.

"Are you sure about that? Cause it seems like you do." Your words were getting more heated by the second, and you only got more agitated from another text lighting up Seungmin's phone.

"Go on. Answer the text. Prove my point." You challenged, your eyes burning with anger and tears, waiting for what he would do.

"Not tonight, Y/n, please not tonight. This is important." He said, reaching for his phone to answer the text as if those words were enough to shut you up. They probably should've been.

"It's more important than your girlfriend who you haven't seen all day?" You asked, a sarcastic laugh escaping your mouth. It at least made him pause, leaving the text unread for an extra five seconds. Record time.

"I hate fighting with you. You know I hate it."

"Then why do you never show up!?"

He retracted his hand, slow and scared. Scared that he had messed up too badly this time.

"I'm always the one waiting! Waiting for your texts and calls. Waiting for you to show up. You'd think that after all this time I'd stop being so naive about it..." The first tear slipped past your waterline, making its slow descent down your cheek. Seungmin was staring at you, soft eyes still managing to show that he cared. Despite his tiredness, despite your anger, he still cared.

"I keep thinking this date is the one that'll be successful. But it never is. I always manage to get hurt and disappointed. Every. Time." Your shoulders shook and you looked down, anger subsiding and being replaced with sadness.

He stood up, hesitantly reaching out to touch your shoulder, making sure you didn't shrink away from him. He wouldn't blame you if you did. He pulled you to his chest, heart aching from seeing you cry, especially since he was the reason for it. He hated it the most in the world.

"I'll show up. I promise I'll show up..." He whispered as one of his hands gently rubbed circles on your back.

He wasn't going to break his promise this time.

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