᯽ 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚙𝚝2 ᯽

19 10 24

Oki, so I decided to do the questions pt2 because it's 1am and tomorrow's (or today I should say) Eid so I can't sleep- and I'm bored.

Here we go!! —>

1. If you could ever date an anime character, who would it be?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: Shu Kurenai 😆😆😆

2. What's your signature hairstyle?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: I just let me hair out, my bangs are always pushed to the side, and maybe I add in an accessory or two.

3. How many languages do you know how to speak? (Even if it's just a little-)

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: Not many to be honest. It's just Urdu (my first language), English (my second), French (I used to learn it at my old school so I remember some stuff), Chinese (I learn it at my new school and it's kinda easy but hard to remember for me), and I know a few words of Japanese.

Weird thing is even tho Urdu is my first language, I only know have of the words and I don't even know how to read it or write it- but like seriously. My mom tells me to do something in Urdu and there's just this one (or two) word I don't understand so I just say 'ok' and don't do it-

4. If you could learn any three languages, which ones and why?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: #1 is Japanese!! I really wanna learn it!! #2 is Arabic so when I recite the Quran I know what the words mean. #3 is Chinese so I can get a 100% in every test- last time I got 50% because I forgot so much stuff 😭

5. What do you love about school?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: My old school, well, I loved everything! It was the best and I WISH I can go back. My new school? Nothing. Nothing at all.

6. What do you hate about school?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: My new school, only that it had a lot of homework. My new school? Everything. Literally who has the time to deal with tests every 2 seconds, stressed teachers, fake friends who just use you, and people who think liking anime, Vocaloids, or literally anything Japanese are weird and so out of trend?

7. A food you can make?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: I mean.... I can make a sandwich with Jam.... If that counts....

8. What sweet(s) do you love from your background?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: I know what they're called I just don't know how to spell them- they're like kinda round and sweet HOW DO I EXPLAIN IT - y'know what. I'll try to spell them- I think it was something like Gulab Jamun? I DON'T KNOW I CAN'T SPELL STUFF FROM PAKISTAN

9. What device are you using? (Like phones, iPads, laotops stuff y'know)

Your Answer: ______________

An iPad. I beg my mom for a phone but she says she'll get me one when I'm over 16. I guess I can live with it tho. I honestly do not want to play rhythm games on a phone's tiny screen 😅

10. Do you prefer a planet that's too hot or too cold?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: Too cold! In summer, I HATE it when clothes get so wet they start to stick to you... in cold weather I can wear warm clothes and enjoy my ice cream (don't even ask why I eat ice cream in winter) while watching TV :3

11. For long haired ppl: have you ever had short hair and do you want it? For short haired ppl: have you ever had long hair and do you want it? And for mid length haired gals.... Would you prefer long or short?

Your Answer: ______________

Mine: I have short hair but- I used to have very long hair a year ago, but then I cute it mid length. Then after 10 months I cut it short-  I've tried all the hair lengths and all of them have advantages and disadvantages. Right now since I have short hair, yes I've had long hair before, and I kinda do want it back since I can try more hairstyles.

I'm sleepy, it's 2am now. Eid's so soon. I'm excited because I'll get sweets :3 But one think I'm not looking forward to is, well- I'm gonna have to wear this dress that is WAYYYYY too fancy! Fancy dresses are not my style..

Anyway, maybe I'll continue this later? I'm even too lazy too check for spelling mistakes due to fast typing or sm. (I guarantee there will be at least two, since I'm a fast typer-)

*yawn* 🥱

Good night <3 😴

(If it's night for you. If it's day fir you then... good morning? 😅)

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