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Olivia's POV:
I was so done with my family. It was a Friday meaning it was officially the weekend. I wanted to just relax, but I can never do that because of my mom and dad. I have a little sister but she doesn't live with me anymore. You know, since my dad is abusive, and my parents never stop arguing. At this moment I can hear them fighting about who my mom was hanging out with yesterday. It's been an hour of this shit, and I can't stand it anymore.

I never understood why my life had to be shit. I'm always finding myself going to my neighbors for comfort, especially Matt. Matt sturniolo, hot, sweet, cute, funny, and the list goes on. I think you get the point. Matt is the middle out of his triplet brothers, and always finds a way to comfort me. Matt and his two other brothers Nick and Chris are somewhat famous for sitting in a car yelling at each other.

I pack my bags and snuck over there. I'm always sneaking out because if I were to tell my parents they would say no. I stood in front of their door for awhile till Chris opened.

"You?" He makes a face. I will say I have the biggest crush on Chris and only Matt knows, but let's just say... Chris hates me.

"Bro, just let me in." I complained
"Why would I let someone like you in my house?"
"Chris, just let the poor girl through." Nick, the oldest out of the triplets comes through the hallway saving me. Chris scoffed resentfully.

"Hey Liv!" Matt said. I squealed and hugged him tight as he spun me around.
"You guys make me sick." Chris bluntly told us.
"Whatever Chris they're just friends." Nick rapidly began.
"Better stay that way, I don't want that freak anywhere near my brothers lips." Chris left the room.

"God, he has no respect for you!" Nick said annoyed at Chris.
"No respect for anyone but himself." Matt added.
"Guys, it's fine." I say with tears in my eyes.
"No, no it can't be fine if you're crying!" Matt hugged me.
"You sure he's the one you like." Matt whispered in my ear, and I just simply nodded.

Nick went to his room, and I went with Matt to his room.
"If Chris doesn't like you back don't be mad at me, because I warned you." I slightly laughed at what he had said. Me and Matt's humor is definitely something else.

I hopped onto his bed as Matt skipped through Netflix.
"So what are we watching?" I asked as he was still looking through all the rows.
"I have no idea."
"Come on! We're gonna be sitting here forever!" I complained.

He always takes forever to choose! I'm not kidding last year it took him an hour to go through all the streaming platforms.

"Oh my god, we're gonna be here forever! Matt pick a movie already! Matt, Matt!" Matt continues to mimic me in a whiny voice.
"Shut the fuck up!" I slightly slap his arm as a joke and he chuckles about how childish I could be, but in reality he's the childish one.

"Here, what do you want to watch?" He hands me the remote and I went to the search bar as fast as lighting. I searched up mean girls, and hit play movie.

"This movie looks like shit." Matt added and I chuckled a little.
"Matt, this is my favorite fucking movie! So I don't give two shits, and you're watching it. I don't care if you don't want to."
"Woah! Here comes sassy Olivia!" I smiled and focused my attention on the movie in-front of me.

"This is dumb." It was only 15 minutes into the movie, and Matt was already complaining.
"You can shut the hell up you know?" I suggest in a soft expression with an exaggerated smile. He stayed silent and kept his focus on the movie.

Once it hit the end of the movie Matt seemed interested in it.
"Looks like someone likes ppl my movie choice." He once again stayed silent and closed his eyes turning his back away from me.
"Good night." I say falling into a deep slumber almost immediately.

As I awoke from my sleep Matt had a grip on my waist. He always does this, when ever I come over for a sleepover he always hugs me from the back. It gets to the point where Nick thinks we're dating, he's also told me that Matt liked me, which isn't true.

Why would he like some slut like me? I've always worried that Matt and Nick will start acting like complete jerks, like Chris. I heard groaning behind, I slowly and gently turned to the other side to see Matt awake.
"Morning sleepyhead." I ruffled up his hair, as Matt had the brightest smile tugged on his lips.

Matt's POV:
I stared at the beautiful girl in-front of me. I studied all her features, the most beautiful hazel eyes anyone could look into, her soft lips, her long light brown hair, perfectly shaped nose, her perfect looking ears, her sweetly soft jawline that was the definition of perfection. What I would do to just be with her, but I can't. She likes Chris, and I can't ruin my friendship because she likes my brother.

Olivia curled into a ball. She seemed so cuddly, but I knew if I were to cuddle her she would be suspicious. I mean, I did cuddle with her last night, but I was hoping she just thought it was by accident.
"I'll bring you home." I said getting up and throwing on a shirt.
"Oh shit." Olivia quietly said to herself.
"What's wrong?" I asked concerned of what was happening.
"I never told my dad I was leaving..." she seemed scared. I know her dad's abusive, but I actually don't know how bad it is. It doesn't seem bad since she never comes back with scars, but you never know. Olivia may just be good at hiding them.

Olivia's POV:
It was about 20 minutes later, and I was stood in-front of my door.
"Matt?" I held his hand to scared to open the door. I knew right as I entered I would be harassed by my father, and my moms probably hooking up with some other guys as usual.
"You aren't alone." Matt whispered, and I smiled feeling much better. I hugged him so tightly I don't think he was able to breathe.
"You can leave now. I can handle it." I told him releasing from the hug.
"You sure?" Matt always worried about me and my father's relationship. He doesn't actually know how bad my dad abuses me, he just knows that my dad does abuse me.
"Yes I'm fine." He nods and slowly walks away.
"Wait!" Matt runs back to me. He holds my hand as his other one is rested on my shoulder lightly.
"Text or call me immediately if anything goes wrong." I nodded and he walks off back to his house. Slowly I take a breath opening the door.

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