Fresh start

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          I just moved into Woodsboro California after my mom and dad had a fight and got divorced. I'm staying with my grandparents right now while my mom drives all our stuff down here, we are from New York originally.

My dad still lives there since my mom got full custody of me, and my dad sees me for a couple of days. When I'm on a break from school, I go back in about two weeks.

I don't know about this whole thing here moving the divorce but I guess it's meant to happen, my grandma is so spiritual, to be honest, she is always doing, something like burning sage.

I first walked in cleansed me and threw clothes that were covered in crystals, I could tell I saw selenite shards on my shirt. My grandma sent me to the bathroom to change, and when I came out my grandma cleansed them and threw them down the laundry shoot, she looked at me.

"Dinner will be ready in about a half hour get ready we have someone coming over" she said cheerfully, and sent me to the guest room with a beautiful baby blue dress.

It was tight on the chest and loose on the waist, and legs like a baby doll dress. I went to the guest bathroom and started the shower, I undressed and hopped in. It was cold, I felt so much better after driving for a few hours.

I got out of the humid bathroom, I got dressed in the baby blue dress and matching heels. I dug in my bag and got a matching set of pearl jewelry, a necklace, bracelet and earrings and I found a matching headband on my bed.

She must have forgot about it, before I put on the headband, I curled my hair and put in hair spray. I put on the headband with some of my bangs out.

I put on some lip gloss, perfume, and headed down stairs where I smelled food. I looked at the counter, there was a book called " Recipes to try with Company" I saw it opened to a page with steak, potato, and corn.

There was a whole Lotta herbs on the counter, I saw my grandpa plating food and setting the table. Then I saw a boy about my age, and a man in his late 50's.

like my mom, was this a new boyfriend of hers? Is that why we moved here? No, it can't be I sat down across from the boy my age he had brown hair, eyes, and a sharp look was he looking outside?

I glanced outside where he was looking I saw the moon behind a whole bunch of trees. I looked for two minutes, and turned back around because it felt like someone was looking at me.

It was silent I looked around, and looked at everyone. Whom was staring at me, why were they staring? The most intensive one was the boy that was my age.

"Why is everyone Staring at me?" I said confused, then My Grandpa said "You were looking at something?"

Then I realized what he meant and said "Sorry, I was looking at the moon"

Then your grandpa and grandma started talking to the man next to the boy across from me. I then said "Excuse me?" I said

My grandma quickly replied "Yes Y/N?" I then replied "May I know why we are having dinner guests over, and I didn't know about it?" I said annoyed and confused.

My grandma then said "Because this boy goes to your new school, you might want to know at least one person who goes there with you. I told you this morning, but you had headphones in so you didn't hear me I guess." I looked down not wanting to make eye contact with my grandma, and the rest of the people there.

It was so obvious a boy coming over for dinner that's MY age. I should've known it, 'stupid' I whispered to yourself.

My grandma then looked at me and asked "What did you say?" You then said quickly "Nothing sorry, grandma may I please be excused? I'm going to get more water would anyone else like some?"

The boy across from me sheepishly said "May I please have more?'" You quickly said "Of course, I will be with water"

I thought while I got more water, 'that was infact the first time I talked to him and they had been there since 5:30 p.m. it was now 6:31 p.m.'

I brought back the water and set it down on the table you asked the boy "So what's your name?" He quickly replied to your question "My name? It's Randy, Randy Meeks. You?"

I then replied and said " My name is Y/N Y/L/N" We all finished dinner, then said goodbye to Randy and his father.

  They quickly ran to their car as it was raining, and drive home. I went right to the guest room and got changed into a T-shirt, bike shorts. I went to the phone in your grandparent's kitchen, and called my dad, he answered "Hello L/N residence who are you trying to reach?"

"Hey Dad can you tell S/N goodnight, I can't wait to see her, and goodnight Dad" My dad then replied to your 'demand' "Of course Sweetheart I will and goodnight, I love you" Then I hung up.

I went to the guest bathroom got ready for bed and laid on the bed and drifted to sleep under the warm blankets.

(I edited this, because I didn't like how it was written, sorry if you liked it like how it was before. I'm also going to edit the other chapters so that's what is going on, I also share this account with another person, this is their story. But since this was my account first, I get to take charge. I'm the OG owner of this account, you can call me Ci ci, I will put this on a lot of stories that I make or the other person makes. You better get used to it 😐, anyway thanks for reading this. 'If you did' but I will be the main person to be online so that's that.)

(Just wanted to let y'all know😐😀)
Word count: 1062

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