Chapter 8: Choices and Consequences

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9 pm

In [Earth House I], occurred after the party ended 2 hours later, Y/n is now cooking for their dinner with all of them talking about what Miorine just crazily decided to do during the party.

Chuchu: She founded a company? For Gundams? 

Nika: It was Ms. Miorine's own idea! She solicited investment and bought out some of Peil's, Shin Sei's & Celestial Being's development teams on the spot. I almost fainted because of my worries.

Y/n: Just clarification though, only two of them for the development teams.

Leo: Man, we thought she's crazy but I didn't know she was this crazy to create a bold move.

Mileina: I was surprised too, you know. *pout* I was also embarrassed that the fact I spit my juice to your face, Leo.

Leo just sheepishly laughs and calms her.

Leo: It's alright...

Nuno, Ojelo and Till are playing hearts cards while expressing their opinions about it.

Ojelo: Rich girls do everything flashier.

Leo: If the head of our company heard you that, you might get slapped because of it.

Nuno: Well, whatever the case, she might have an ulterior motive. *about to put down a card* 4.

Till: I doubt it. 

Nuno: Wait, how did you know?!

Ojelo just smiles evily thinking Nuno will just be through from his lies. Lilique & Aliya are playing their fortune telling.

Lilique: Ms. Suletta and Mr. Y/n's been having trouble ever since they transferred here.

Y/n: 'You aren't the only one... My guys at the main ships are just face palming their heads right now.'

Aliya: *tells her fortune* You will have trouble with men in the near future.

Lilique: What?! That's the last thing I need!

Mileina: You need to get better at your love life then. *smiles*

Chuchu just leans back to the bean bag while Y/n just puts on the food on the platter, and organizes the dishes for dinner. 

Chuchu: Shouldn't we just let her do as she likes? It's got nothing to do with me.

Just then Miorine and Suletta entered at the house with their clothing's covered in paint. Suletta still can't get over from her MS' revelation that's why her face is having a depressed state.

Nika: Ms. Miorine?

Chuchu: What'd you bring the Princess here for?

Miorine: I'm setting up the company here.

Nika: What?

Miorine: GUND-ARM Inc., will be run by me and everyone else here. That's it. You're welcome.

Y/n: *spits his water*

Y/n: *spits his water*

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