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After the cockpit of the mech was opened, the camera robot slowly circled to the back to give the driver a close-up.

The boy took off the nano radiation protection suit, took off the mental power link helmet, sweating a lot on his forehead, he gently shook his head, and a few drops of transparent sweat dripped from the tips of his hair.

The camera zoomed in, and the boy's cheek appeared on the big screen. His skin was fair and smooth, his body was red because he had just finished exercising, and his body was full of vigor. Wearing a simple training suit, he is somewhere between A's tall and O's lean, and he is neat and handsome when he rolls over and comes out of the cockpit.

When the boy's clean and clear eyes looked at the camera, the rest area of ​​the second grade was quiet.

After a while, they didn't make the sound of waking up until Yun Xingze put away the mecha.

"I, I read it right..."

"This look, this skin, this figure... can't it be Alpha, right?"

"God, this...is this an omega?!"

In shock, hesitation, and disbelief, everyone in the second grade was guessing the gender of this student.

In fact, the answer is already obvious.

No Alpha has such a strong attraction to other Alphas, and it is even less likely to be Ba.

After the crowd rioted for a while, it quickly boiled, as if witnessing a miracle enough to be recorded in the history of the school.

Someone is talking in the communication: "Fuck, the first grade of the first-year audition is an Omega! It's an Omega! Come back and see!"

Someone was recording a video on the screen, saying something in his mouth: "Hello everyone, I am broadcasting the results of the first-year audition for you. It is said that this number one is an Omega, which shocked my mother..."

Someone stared in disbelief: "I...I'm not as good as an Omega? Or a first-year student?!"

Of course, the most shocked of them were Chi Yu and Su Zinan.

Chi Yu stared blankly at the big screen, as if seeing a ghost. The young man on the screen looked familiar, but it made him feel very strange. The surrounding sounds seemed to be far away, and no one had any discussion. Can get into his ears.

His brain is blank.

For a long time, Chi Yu has been disappointed with his prospective fiancee Yun Xingze. When he met Su Zinan, the strongest Omega in the school, he often wondered: Why can't Yun Xingze stand shoulder to shoulder with him on the battlefield? Why does he only sweep the floor to cook and do housework? Can such an Omega really spend his life with him?

When the boy came out of the lightsaber mecha and the face was enlarged on the screen, Chi Yu's heartbeat seemed to stop suddenly.

He had never thought that Yun Xingze would have such a handsome side.

It was even more impossible for him to think that Yun Xingze, who he thought was impossible to pass the audition, won the first place!

Su Zinan next to him was big enough to put an egg in his mouth. He stared at the big screen for a long time, his face turned green, and after holding back a word: "Fuck..."

In just one word, he expressed his doubts about life at this moment.

Su Zinan had never said swearing in front of Chi Yu, so he changed his words hurriedly: "Fuck...for such a strong job? Is this really Yun Xingze himself?!"