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Chapter 67
Full circle

"Thorfinn? My son...Is that you?"

Y/n felt her heart squeeze hearing the elderly woman address her son without second thought. It became evident that it didn't matter Thorfinn had left home a young boy and returned a man, his mother would never forget the face of her son.

Hell, Thorfinn could've returned an old man, wrinkles decorating his face and balding at the centre of his head; He'll always be the fearless, toothless, small little boy he used to be in his mothers eyes.

From the way tears threatened to fall from her eyes at any moment, the way she outstretched her arms without hesitation to hold her son's face in her hands, one could see she held no resentment against her son for leaving home.

A mothers love was truly unconditional.

"My, you've grown to look just like Thors--" She expressed, tears of joy gliding down her cheeks. "--Your father had those exact same eyes."

At the mention of his father Thorfinn didn't even try to choke back his tears, allowing himself to be completely vulnerable in his mothers hold.

While Y/n doesn't tear up from the touching reunion, everyone else bearing witness to it were moved to tears.

For Leif, seeing Helga hold her son made all his sleepless nights travelling the seas in search of Thorfinn worth it. He'd done it all just to experience this moment.

A plethora of apologizes fell from Thorfinn's lips, his voice shaking as his sobbing caused his throat to close up. Holding both of his mothers hands in his, he bowed his head in shame; taking in the mountain of stress he undoubtedly put his mother through all these years.

Thorfinn's mothers eyes held no ire or accusation, her tears expressing her joy and adoration.

"Welcome home Thorfinn," A warm smile across her face, a smile so warm it felt like a welcoming embrace. "Come inside to meet your nieces and nephews." She beamed, nodding her head towards the door where three young children stood; two boys and a girl.

Thorfinn nodded in response, not trusting his voice knowing it'd probably crack even upon uttering a simple one-worded response. Bringing up his sleeve he wiped away his tears, his gaze falling on the three children who stared at him with big eyes full of curiosity.

He felt his mother place her hand on his back, guiding him inside the home; glancing back he met Y/n's eyes as her own were already locked on his figure.

"I told you so" She mouthed, lips turning up in a small smirk, Thorfinn only responding with a weak smile.

Following the family into their home, Y/n looked around in awe as she took in her surroundings.

'So this is where Thorfinn grew up?'

As Thorfinn settles in after being introduced to his sisters three young children, he then introduces his mother to the two new faces she was unfamiliar with.

"Mother, this is Einar, my brother," Thorfinn brought his hand down to the red-heads broad shoulder who greeted the older woman respectfully with a smile.

Thorfinn's gaze then shifted away from his friend and landed onto Y/n. Y/n's eyes widened slightly knowing what was coming, and she cursed herself out in her mind when her palm suddenly became sweaty.

Discreetly (in her mind at least), she wiped her hand on her side to rid the discomforting feeling. For some odd reason thinking maybe by wiping away the sweat she'd also wipe away her nerves with it.

Askeladd - Thorfinn x reader -Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu