While takemichi tilt his head sideway .

Mitsuya then take the lead to remove his hand on others chest ,after that he asked takemichi.

Mitsuya :"you remembered me right ?, How are you feeling?"

Mitsuya asked takemichi and the other answered positively.

Takemichi:*nod head* "afcoures mitsuya -kun, and I'm ok "

Mitsuya:" then I'm glad, are you hungry I brought food."

Takemichi :"ah thank you"

Takemichi accept the food and Emma then again spoke.

Emma:" oi ,you two don't left us out we also bring something"

Hina handed another dish and just like that takemichi dig in.

Hina I'm glad you like it that much you finish the whole dish.

Takemichi:"yeah I like it both it's delicious,"

:-"thank you mitsuya-kun ,emma-chan,hina-san..........., Emm by the way  I haven't seen draken -kun and Mikey -kun around do guys know where they are?.

Takemichi thank and asked the Three while looking around.

Emma:" Now  that you mentioned it probably those two are fighting over pachin - Kun's case."

:-' those two really are not changing anything ,they even made me cry in the past about that fighting of them'


Mitsuya:" but they said they will just going to take care of something"

Emma shakes her head.

Emma:" so you still don't know ,PAH was arrested because he stabbed a guy  name osanai and then he was willing  to come to the police."

Takemichi:"so that's what happened after I I passed out."

Emma:" yes actually. And takemichi - Kun I know that it's not your responsibility but can you make those guys stop."

Emma asked takemichi ,she knows that takemichi manage to make the two get along that same even so she hope that takemichi agreed.

Takemichi: " me why me ?"

Emma :"because those two have a lot of childish fight but when it was there opinion about you ,they always got along ,so I hope......."

Takemichi:"alright I try"

Takemichi then agreed , Emma was happy.

Hina:" takemichi ,i almost forgot  I don't how did he get my number but kisaki called me asking  how are you."

Takemichi:" thanks Hina , just tell him a
I'm alright and thanks for his his concern "

Hina was really annoyed at kisaki  knowing what takemichi's condition so fast , is he a stalker or something it's like all takemichi's doing  he knows all of it, but he actually does not show himself.

After their conversations,the visiting time was finished.

The doctor that assist takemichi  was present in takemichi's room.

Doctor:"good you finally awake Mr . Hanage - Kun ,two of your friends bring you here and there name was Manjiro Sano , And the said he's /Ken Draken.(I forget the whole name sorry 😔)

The doctor explained and takemichi confirm that it was really his friends.

:- about your condition we still can't detect what is it but , your symptoms show's that  you probably have a lot in your mind it's better if you distract your self with some fun activities , and don't stress your self to much, try puzzle s or sports that would be good.

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