Chapter 61 part 2

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*Gordon's POV*

I had returned to college, Daniel still wasn't in, it's been three months, Amanda pulled me aside during her lesson

"I didn't want to tell you but Daniel was admitted to hospital about two months ago, he went into a coma, the cause was unknown, when they found him his body was badly burnt" Amanda explained

I didn't want this, not Daniel, not anxious little baby Daniel

"I want to see him" I demanded

"Ok I'll take you but after class" Amanda hissed

I sat back down, my head is aching, I guess that's what you get for being shoved down the stairs by your "friend", after class Amanda took me to the hospital in her car, I found Daniel, he looked so cute whilst he was sleeping

"Can you leave us alone" I asked

"Sure tell me when you're done" Amanda smiled and she shut the door

I felt like sh*t knowing that he was like this, I wished I could call him mine but he's otherwise occupied, the door opened, a tall boy (he's around 6ft 1 which is taller than me, so help) with olive coloured skin was standing in the doorway, I guess this is Daniel's boyfriend

"W-who are you" I questioned him

"I'm Killian, and that right there is my boyfriend so f*ck off" this boy was protective and possessive, great

*Virgil's POV*

"No, stop" Olivia murmured, she was having another nightmare again, great, I actually can't deal with her anymore, she needs help, she just won't admit it, I need to wake her up before the worst happens

"Stop!" Olivia screamed and she kicked me

"Wake up" I snapped, this is p*ssing me off

Olivia opened her eyes suddenly, she was sweating a lot

"I-I'm sorry" Olivia apologised

I hauled her over my shoulder and I took her to the infirmary, I put her down

"We need to get this sorted out, I can't actually take this anymore, I can't sleep when you have nightmares, you keep me up all night" I told her

"I'm sorry please don't hurt me" Olivia sobbed

"Shut up, you need help" I growled

"I did it, I pushed Gordon down the stairs" Olivia admitted

"What possessed you to hurt my brother like that" I asked, I had tried to surpress my anger

"Because a voice in my head told me to" Olivia sniffed

"So you're hearing voices now, that's a new one" I laughed

"Stop it, it's not funny, I'm scared" Olivia squeaked

"No it is funny, you just need to grow up a little" I sighed

*Olivia's POV*

I felt a little hurt that he could laugh at me like that

"You'll pay for that you b*stard" I snarled, I grabbed the knife I've kept in my back pocket and I launched at him, he tried to stop me

"What the f*ck is wrong with you" Virgil asked and he grabbed my wrists to stop me

"You'll pay, all five of you" I growled

"Pay for what, we haven't done anything" Virgil frowned

"You ruined my uncles life" I muttered

"How have we ruined Brains' life" Virgil was worried now

"Not him, you ruined the Hood's life!" I screamed

"Wait you're related to the Hood" Virgil mumbled, he pushed me backwards, I ended up falling to the floor

"Yes I am, and he's told me that I can't trust any of you, not after all the secret conversations you have about me" I hissed

"You weren't supposed to know about those" Virgil muttered

Great I've just revealed everything to Virgil, hopefully he won't kill me

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