Chapter 10

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*Gordon's POV*

Virgil began to shut himself off from the world, he didn't even eat for three days

"At first I thought it was my cooking, I think there's something wrong with that boy Jeff" Grandma grew increasingly concerned "he hasn't eaten in about three days, poor dear"

"He'll grow out of it" dad sighed, placing his fork down to talk

"He's 19 he shouldn't be acting like this" Scott grumbled

"Scott just leave it" I warned him, I respected Virgil's privacy more than Scott did

"What's going on" Alan wondered, he was just finishing up his school assignments

"Virgil's sulking, leave him be" dad ordered

"No, he's my brother" Alan replied

"Alan I said leave him" dad hissed

"I can't sit here and do nothing whilst he's upset, dad you don't understand how much he means to me, he's my hero, if you were there for me, you could've been my hero too!" Alan screamed

*Virgil's POV*

I was sitting on the staircase, I heard what Alan said, well, what he screamed at dad, I can't believe he looks up to me, I'm just a reckless idiot, I heard someone run up the stairs by the sound of their footsteps I could tell it was Alan, he was crying his eyes out

"Allie" I tried to get his attention, he froze on the spot

"Don't look at me" Alan snapped

"Al, it's ok, I'm here for you, if what you said is true, then I'll always be here for you, just like I should have been, it's all my fault" I had to comfort my little brother, he always cries when he gets stressed out or angry, Alan was trying to fight me off as I gave him a hug "relax buddy I just want us to be a family again, just forget about everything I've done to hurt you alright, I didn't mean any of it, I just got so angry and I didn't know what to do with that repressed anger"

"I love you" Alan whispered

"I love you too little bro" I smiled and ruffled his hair, I planted a kiss on his forehead, just like mum used to do

I released Alan from the embrace and I walked down the stairs, ready to face the judgement, dad hates me

"So you've finally decided to join us" dad raised an eyebrow at my sudden appearance

"Please don't start" I muttered

"Virgil you have to learn not to lose your temper like that, you're lucky I didn't ground you" dad sighed

"I'm 19, I'm technically an adult so grounding me would be stupid" I argued

"Fair enough, sit down and eat your dinner, I have some things I need to talk about with you" dad mumbled

I could only use my good arm since my bad arm was in agony, I sat down at the table, this is painful having to look at my father

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