Chapter 11

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*Virgil's POV still*

I was pacing around my room, this is killing me, I need to fly my baby, I need to fly her, I'm starting to get withdrawals, I can't believe dad let Scott fly her

"You didn't hurt her did you" I asked Scott instantly when he had returned from a mission

"No, I didn't hurt her, she's fine, Virgil, Thunderbird two is fine" Scott reassured me

"Good, I can't let anyone damage her" I sighed

I can't even play the piano now because of my stupid arm, I sat down on the stool, I stroked the keys, I can't do anything right, dad hates me, Alan's scared of me, Gordon avoids me, Scott's always worried about me and John, well he's in zero gravity floating about, I'm pretty useless as a son, brother and rescue pilot

"Man, am I beat" I heard Alan yawn, he had sat down next to me on the stool "hey Virge can you move your fat butt over a bit so I don't give myself a piano related concussion"

"Sure Allie" I had to smile at Alan's tired state, I remember when I practiced for my piano lessons that he would often find himself sitting next to me and resting his head on my shoulder because apparently my playing is "the best way to send anyone to sleep"

"I love you" Alan mumbled

"I love you too, you're my favourite brother in the whole world by the way, I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you" I whispered

"That's what everyone else says, but they never seem to mean it" I could sense the sadness in his voice

"Well I mean it, alright, if you're being bullied at school again you can always tell me, you know that right" I was trying my best to not bring up the various incidents where Alan had come home battered and bruised because some f*ckwad decided to hurt him

"I can't" Alan ignored my sympathy, he had clenched his fists

"Allie, you can always tell me anything, even if I get angry at you, I never mean it, please tell me what's wrong" it was an urgent matter to find out what was wrong with my brother

"I can't tell you, it's stupid anyway, I just need to man up a little" Alan tried smiling at me, but his lips were quivering, his blue eyes were filled with pain and his body language seemed reserved and timid

"I've had medical training and I know what someone looks like in physical and mental distress" I raised an eyebrow at him

"Someone we were supposed to be rescuing died before we could even rescue her, it's all my fault, it's all my f*cking fault" Alan told me

"Allie it's not your fault, sometimes it happens, but that's part of the job I guess, we have to push ourselves to the absolute limit physically, mentally and emotionally, we do our job to best of our abilities, and you did what you could, Allie mum would be so proud of you" I told him

"How do you know that" Alan asked sniffling

"Because I am" I smiled

"I miss her" Alan admitted

"I miss her too, don't tell dad I still have nightmares, they should have gone away years ago but I stopped taking my sleeping pills" I also had to spill out my emotions at some point

"Is that why you get so snappy, is it because you're tired" Alan wondered

"Yeah" I nodded

"Get some sleep please, it's scaring me when you're like this, you're getting thinner too" Alan had noticed

*Alan's POV*

My brother usually has a stocky and muscular build but it was a different scenario now, he was getting thinner everyday, he doesn't seem so muscular now but he's pretty much still intact

"How about I try and play something for you, I heard that physical therapy helps a little with dislocated shoulders, you were really brave for resetting it like that, even I know how weirded out you are by medical procedures" Virgil was still smiling

"Yeah, you don't need to play something for me, it's fine" I mumbled

"Okay, why don't you go to bed early" Virgil suggested

"I think I will" I decided, it was best for me to go to bed since I'm upset like this, Virgil does know that sleep fights off emotional distress, since he's had more than his fair share of it over the years

*Olivia's POV*

Everyone seemed restless, Gordon had gone to the indoor gym to do some training, probably to take his mind off the incident that happened on the mission, Scott was tapping his fingers on the table like a drug addict needing a new fix, Alan was fidgeting about but he decided it was best for him to go to bed

"I feel sorry for him" Virgil sighed as he got a glass of water to ingest the painkillers he had to take

"Who" Scott wondered

"Alan, he's the youngest, yet no one seems to help him when he's upset" Virgil frowned

"Well he did learn how to hide his pain like you do" I added my theory to this conversation

"I know but he shouldn't, what I'm doing is dangerous" Virgil shook his head slowly

"Hey don't start using your brain, it'll damage you, you're not as inteligent as John" Gordon piped up, he was all hot and sweaty from his training session

"Don't stay out of water too long your gills can't handle it" Virgil replied

Gordon glared at Virgil it was funny to see the conflict between the four brothers that remained on earth

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