I'm here for you.

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A/N: hey guys. I'm in a very depressive episode right now so I'm writing this to help. I woke up to a man outside my bedroom door in my apartment. I'm safe now, but I'm really freaked out. thanks, PTSD and past traumas :)


Damian watched Anya as she sank in her seat. Sitting behind her, he'd notice her trying to become smaller and smaller with every shaky sigh. He truly felt worried, and wished he knew what was happening to her as this wasn't the Anya he knew and grew to love as they became older.

I wish I could do something, he thought, but every time I try to talk to her, it goes wrong. He finished his thought as the bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch.


As Damian sat down with his tray of food, he looked up and noticed Anya. She was making gestures trying to shoo away Becky from what it looked like. After Becky left, Anya's smile dwindled as she turned around holding her arms and walk away from the cafeteria.
She's not going to eat? Damian looked down at a bag of peanuts he secretly bought for her and stood up, leaving his food tray and following Anya to wherever she was heading. He wanted to know what was going on.


Anya walked with Becky to the cafeteria, seeing all the food surrounding her made her nose twitch slightly in disgust. For the first time, she couldn't stand being in there.
"Actually, Becky, I'm gonna go study." She tried to hold up a smile.

"Study? Since when?"

"I'm gonna start trying a new study habit." Anya made up.

"Oh? I'll come with you!"

"No, don't! I'll just get distracted. Go and eat. I'll see you in class." Anya rushed and waved her hand in a shooing motion. Becky shrugged and left to go stand in line as Anya quickly turned to leave. I can't be in here... She thought. What's wrong with me?

Anya walked slowly, her foot steps making light tapping noises as she walked down the hallway and into a student center. She found a secluded corner and sat on the chair facing a window. She pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them as she tried to sink into the cushion. She tried to think of something happy, but nothing worked. Her mind felt everywhere but where she was now. She had never felt so out of place and anxious in her life.
Anya felt her eyes burn as tears welled up and a small tear escaped. Anya wiped it away quickly.

"This is ridiculous." She whispered to herself, "You're being ridiculous. Why can't you be normal?"

For the past few days, Anya has been up all night. Wondering why she had to be so different. Why she was given such a burden. Wondering why she had to be chosen to know everyone's deepest darkest secrets and never show that she knows. She hated her powers for once. She just wanted to be normal.

Suddenly, a bag of peanuts was held in front of her face. She turned to see the owner of the hand holding the bag and saw Damian. He was faced away from her, looking at a random wall with a slight blush on his cheeks.
"here." He said "I got these for you."

Anya stared as her eyes welled up more. Damian glanced and saw her eyes turn glossy and red. Crap! Did I do something wrong?

But no. Anya was welling up in tears because even peanuts looked unsatisfying to her. She lightly pushed her fingers against Damian's hand "No thank you... I'm okay." She whispered and turned back to the window,

Damian lowered his arm and turned towards Anya looking at the back of her head. His eyes furrowed in concern. 

"Hey.." He called to her quietly and put his hand on Anya's shoulder as he knelt beside the armrest of the chair and looked up at Anya. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." Anya whispered.

"You said no to peanuts." Damian points out, blushing as he states "I..I want you to be okay and I know that you aren't."

Anya slid down off the chair and sat on the floor. At this point, both were sitting on the floor, but Damian stayed on the side while Anya was at the front.
*I want to make you feel okay...* Damian thought, not knowing what to say.

Tears began to fall from Anya's face after hearing his thought. She felt so uncomfortable and so lost. 
"I just.." Anya choked, "I just want to be normal." She flops her hands onto her lap in frustration. 

Damian peeked over to glance at her. His eyes showing nothing but concern. Anya looked so lifeless. This wasn't her.
Damian leaned back onto the chair. Still, he couldn't find what to say. Instead,  he reached his hand out and touched her hand with the tip of his fingers.

Anya looked down at his hand and watched as it took a hold of hers. She felt numb. For once, she had no emotion. She didn't know what or how to feel in this situation.

Damian clenched his jaw as his face turned pink. I can't believe I'm doing this. He thought as he continued holding her hand. At this point, this was the best he could do.

"I.." He gulped and pushed out the rest of his sentence, "I'm here...for you." He spoke lowly.

Anya smiled a small smile and squeezed his hand slightly. "T-thank you." She whispered.

Damian'd face turned even more red as he squeezed Anya's hand back as a reply.

And the two remained in their position until lunch was over. Walking to class together as Anya ate her peanuts.

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