Bloody Nose

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i've come to a conclusion that like every story I may write they will be aged up in their teen years so just assume their 16-18 depending on the story lol


It was the 2nd to last day of school, everyone from Cecile Hall was anxiously waiting for their final exam results.
The whole class was crowded around the post board, in the back, stood Damian, Emile and Ewen along with Anya and Becky.

Anya of course, was utterly exhausted. She was too tired to be here and was stressed enough trying to cheat answers off of people by using her abilities. Becky was talking to Anya about a new romance show she's been binge watching. Damian wasn't nervous at all, his hands rested in his pockets while looking around the room.
Damian turned his head slightly and watched Anya. Everyday she looked more and more effortlessly beautiful in his eyes. He couldn't help but to constantly stare. Of course, any and every time he was caught he never reacted in a cool or calm manner.

Anya doesn't look too good. He thought, noticing how dark her under eyes were. It looked like she went through an extreme amount of stressed paired with zero sleep.
Anya was indeed not doing too well. She had already used her abilities too much. Now, being in a crowded room and overly anxious teenagers made her feel sick.

Damian stepped closer to her side, trying not to make it look obvious.

*I hope I did okay.*

*What if i failed?!*

*I totally failed!*

*I hope I got a higher grade than Claire..*

*I studied all night... when are the results out?*

Anya was hearing every non stop thought coming from the students. She groaned quietly and swayed slightly, her head leaning down.
"Anya? are you okay?" Becky notices and stops rambling as she looked at her sickly friend.

"I'm not feeling too good..." Anya mumbled lowly. Becky furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at Damian who showed concern as he exchanged eye contact with Becky and turned his attention back onto Anya.
"What's wrong?" Damian asked cooly. Trying to hide his deep concern.

All the thoughts that Anya couldn't stop hearing merged together, echoing loudly nonstop in her mind. Her ears started ringing and her head began pounding.
"Becky..?" Anya began as her nose started to drip blood.

"Anya?! You're bleeding!" Becky said loudly, making Damian's heart race suddenly.

"There's too many people.." Anya slurred as she lost her balance completely as she blacked out.


"Oh my god!" Becky said as Anya began falling, but Damian caught her just in time, catching her by putting his arms underneath her armpits. 
"Anya!" Damian couldn't help but announce his worries aloud. He then put one arm around her waist as his other arm cradled her head as he melted to the floor with Anya's weight, making sure she didn't hurt herself.

Blood dripped down more from Anya's nose as Damian sat holding Anya in his lap keeping her head up against his chest (pic above).
"Don't just stand there, Becky, give me a tissue or something dammit!" Damian snapped.

"I'm on it, I'm on it, geez." Becky rolled her eyes at Damian as she went through her bag and pulled out a fancy tissue box with her name embroidered on it. 
"Anya, wake up." Damian says in a hushed, comforting voice as he take a few tissues. He tucks a few strands of hair behind her ear.
"Anya?" Damian speaks lowly in her ear as her eyes open groggily.

"Mmmh?" She whimpers in pain and puts her hand up to her head. "What happened..?" She asks.

"You totally blacked out on us!!" Becky says loudly, "You were like swaying and then BOOM, you fainted!" She exclaimed.

Damian was gently wiping blood from Anya's nose. "Are you okay?" he asks quietly, looking deeply worried.

"Can we go somewhere else..?" Anya complains, still holding her head. "My head really hurts.." 

Damian and Becky look at each other and nod as Damian stands up, holding Anya bridal style who was too weak to even lift her head at the moment. Her eyes were closed as she rested her head against his chest.
Sy-on boy's heart is beating really fast. Anya thinks to herself as the three go to a small study room. Damian sits on the couch, Anya still sitting in his lap as Becky follows behind. 

"The scores are up!!" a student yells as the rest start clamoring and talking loudly.
"Becky, can you go check the scores?" Damian asks, looking at her briefly before lookign back down at Anya, whimpering slightly.

"What? Anya's my best friend, since when did you care so much-"
"Dammit Becky I got it just go look at the scores." Damian snaps as Becky drops her mouth open in shock and scoffs at his attitude.
"Fine." She crosses her arms and turns on her heels to walk back to the score board. Looking back right before she leaves the room, she notices Damian's demeanor while holding Anya. 
Maybe he truly does care. She thought as she left.

Finally alone, Damian wipes off the rest of the blood and holds the tissue at Anya's nose just to be safe. "Is this better?" He whispers. 
Anya nods. "Thank you, Damian..." She trails off weakly.

Damian's heart did flips hearing her say his name. His face turned bright red as he held Anya's head with his hand. Keeping her close to his chest.
"Just take your time. You're in no rush." Damian says quietly to her. Not wanting to let her go. "You're safe..." He looks at her. 
Just seeing her, having her on his lap, he couldn't stop thinking about how much he cared for the girl. He just didn't know what to do without her.

As the two sat in silence and comfort, Becky was spying on them behind a wall, smiling in awe at the sight. So much better than romance movies... she thinks.

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