I don't care

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A/N: remember if a thought has a * next to it, it means Anya is hearing it. enjoy!


Anya sat alone under the stairs. She curled herself into a ball and tried to make herse;f as small as possible. Praying she'd just disappear.

They found out. Everyone knew.

Everyone in school now knows that Anya was once a human experiment and are aware of her abilities. Some don't believe she holds that power, some do. Some pity her, but majority judge her. She couldn't stand their stares, their whispers and their thoughts. The way students looked at her horrified her. Their looks of fierce judgment and even hints of disgust -whether aimed at her or what had happened to her- stained her. 

Becky hasn't spoken to Anya since she found out. She doesn't hate her, she just doesn't know what to say or do, so she's kept distance. Becky has been feeling really conflicted about the news lately.

Everyone was in class while Anya stayed under the stairs crying. It was the most hidden spot in the school. She tried to calm herself down and stay quiet, but she couldn't help but hyperventilate here and there as her breathing becomes out of sync. Her body was hot from her panic and her crying. All this energy was making her exhausted but she couldn't help it.

While Anya was under the stairs, Damian sat on top of the stairs. His cape shielding him as he listened. He despised hearing her cry. It pained him more than he could comprehend. He didn't know what to do either. Was he feeling angry? Was he feeling protective? Sad? Disgusted?
Damian couldn't figure out what to do. He turned his head to the side and stared through the railing. Thinking about his next moves.
Do I care..? he wondered.

Anya hiccuped and her breathing became out of sync again as she tried to gasp for air again while trying to hold in her sobs. Hearing it made Damian stand up and walk down the stairs to move around them and be with Anya. He couldn't take this.
As he moved around the stairs to see Anya, he felt so much pain. He hated seeing her like this. It was worse than just hearing her. I don't want to ever find you like this again. He thought, anger rising inside him. How could people do this to her? His nose twitched in disgust

 Anya looked up as Damian stared down at her. His eyes were cold and angry, his mouth was pursed. He looks so angry... Anya thought. Please...please don't hate me, too. Anya couldn't take the pressure of failing the mission she was helping her Papa with. Along with that, she grew to love the second son. The thought of him hating her would truly destroy everything.
Damian clenched his fists and jaw as he walked towards Anya. She closed her eyes fearing the worst.

But instead of hateful words, or stinging skin, she felt warm arms.

Damian wrapped his arms around her entirely. Pulling her into him as close and as tightly as possible, his cape acting like a blanket as he shielded her from the outside world. 
Anya's lips trembled as her body convulsed trying to hold in her sobs. Finally letting it out, she reached her arms under Damian's cape and gripped his shirt with her fists and put her face into his shoulder as she cried hard. The sound was muffled thanks to Damian's body, but nobody would've heard them anyway. 

"It's okay." Damian whispered as Anya sobbed and sobbed. Her breath hitched and hiccuped as she finally truly let it all out. Damian hugged her tighter and put his hand behind her head and furrowed his eyebrows in pain and sympathy. Her cries were silently killing him.

They didn't let go for a while until Anya fully stopped sobbing. She still hiccuped and sniffled, but she wasn't crying out or hyperventilating anymore as the two sat next to each other. Spaced apart as if their hug had never happened.

*So..can you hear me?*

Anya took in a shaky breath, "Yeah." she croaked.

Damian shifted uncomfortably, trying to handle this maturely.

*When did this happen?*

Anya hugged her knees as a few silent tears rolled down her stinging eyes, "I-I don't know...maybe...when I was around 3 or 4?" She said, "I-I escaped and found my way into an orphanage...a-and then-"

"You were in an orphanage?" Damian looked at her. He didn't realize that she was an orphan until then, thought, it did make more sense.

Anya nodded, "I was adopted 4 times. Sent back 3 times until Papa finally got me." She said as tears welled up and her voice shook, "I..I'm afraid he'll send me back now or that I'll be taken back to those people and have them continue their experiments.." Her voice trailed off in fear as more tears rolled down her cheeks.

The two stared at the wall in front of them as Damian thought of his next words to her.

*I won't let that happen* He thought to her. In a way, he was slightly relieved. He could communicate better with her as he knew he could never say these things aloud.

"Don't lie." Anya cried, "You can't promise me that and for all I know you're using me." Just like how I tried to use you in the beginning. Then again, I probably still am. Why do you have to be the target's son? Anya's mind was so overwhelmed. She had never felt so fearful or hopeless before in her life.

Damian felt offended, "Since you can really read minds, look at me in the eyes and read mine." He demanded as a rush of confidence took over him as he confessed in his thoughts. 

*I don't care that you're different. I don't care what you say. I am Damian Desmond, I have a lot of power in this world and I will not hesitate to use it to protect you. You stormed my life since the day you walked into and I can't help how I feel towards you anymore. I don't care what you say. I love you.* Damian thought. Twitching his eyes when he realized he fully just confessed his love for her. But in his mind, he felt a protective power that couldn't be overpowered by embarrassment or shyness or denial. Not anymore.

Anya's heart quickened she hadn't blinked in a bit so her eyes were burning. He loves me, too? That just makes things worse! Anya thought. What a mess she was in now, but all she wanted was Damian at this point. She wanted to pretend the mission doesn't exist, just so she doesn't feel so guilty that she loves him, and now that she knows he loves her, too, that guilt just grew. She teared up and tried to swallow her cry as she choked. "I love you, too."

"Come here.." Damian reached his arm out as he took Anya and pulled her to where she sat between his legs. He wanted cover her entirely. He used his cape to wrap around the two as Anya cried and crumbled into his body. 

As she hugged him tightly, knowing she was too busy trying to hide herself into his body, Damian stared at the wall with narrowed eyes. 

No one will ever harm you again. I will make sure those people never touch you and never see the light of day. Ever. Again. 

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