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Chapter 70: Spirit Root

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Hearing Shi Yue's suggestion, Rong Xi was stunned for a moment, "I want to think." Since

the colorful tiger transformed and lived with him, Rong Xi really didn't think about giving the colorful tiger a name, the colorful tiger was intellectually and emotionally indistinguishable from humans, for so long, he didn't expect to give the little guy a name, how sad the little guy should be.

He has already regarded the colorful tiger as his own family, and the colorful tiger also obviously regards Rong Xi, who helped it take shape, as a relative, and it is appropriate for parents to name their children, but this question is raised by time and more, making Rong Xi always feel as if he is not a competent parent.

Hearing Shi Yue's words, the colorful tiger raised his head happily, looked at Rong Xi with bright eyes, his face was full of expectation, and let out a milky tiger roar.

Rong Xi gently patted the colorful tiger's head, "I'll name you."

Since the colorful tiger was transformed by his own hands, he must follow his surname Rong in the name, and Rong Xi pondered for a while, and then decided on the name of the colorful tiger - Rong Gu.

Rong Xi is a hard namer, and his name does not mean that the name represents, but simply thinks it sounds good. After Rong Xi said his name, the colorful tiger shook its tail happily, turned into a human shape with a bang, and kept chanting in his mouth: "Rong Gu, I will have a name in the future, my name is Rong Gu!"

He threw himself into Rong Xi's arms and rubbed Rong Xi's neck with his furry head, and for a moment he couldn't help himself. He hadn't named himself for so long, and although Rong Gu was very anxious in his heart, he never dared to say it. He arbitrarily advocated coming out of the colorful forest, which made Cao Cao angry, and Cao Cao must have not named it because of this! Today, Ma Ma finally mentioned this matter, and Tang Cao gave him a super nice name! Moreover, the name that Cao Chong gave himself also added the surname Rong, and did not give himself a name such as tiger egg.

Don't be angry! Cao Cao finally admitted himself!

The colorful tiger's eyes were shining, and he raised his head and kissed Rong Xi.

Rong Xi wiped the saliva on his face, this little guy is not an ordinary clingy person. Who would have thought that today's cute little guy who was so soft that his strength was stronger than anyone in this world except Rong Xi, who was originally in the colorful forest, the colorful tiger who was violated in the territory, and even almost killed Shi Yue three. At that time, the colorful tiger was still just a demon beast, without a shape, although it had a certain spiritual intelligence, but it was different from humans. For the invaders who invaded their territory, the colorful tiger mercilessly expelled, if it were not for Rong Xi's action at that time, Shiyue would probably have shed a layer of skin in the hands of the colorful tiger.

After so much time has passed, Shi Yue has become Rong Xi's "lover", Tan Xiao and Su Nan can also be counted as friends, and the colorful tiger has become Rong Xi's "child", Rong Xi sighed in his heart, time is indeed the most wonderful thing.

Shi Yue reached out and touched Rong Gu's head, "In the future, your name will be Rong Gu."

He said the name of Rong Xi in his mouth, which gave him a sense of happiness that they were a family of three.

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