Right Words, Wrong Time

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🖤Angst With Comfort🖤
Charles and Whit have been getting closer ever since Whit defended Charles in the trials. Whit was always trying to get closer to Charles and as much as Charles wanted to shut him out, he couldn't. Charles slowly but surely opened up to Whit despite fearing for the worse deep down and being afraid of losing Whit in all of this if they did get close. This world takes and it takes and he learned from Teruko's experience with Min and Xander to know better than to let people in... or at least he thought he did. Now, at this very moment, he did something he never expected to do in a million years, he's sitting with Whit in his room, talking to each other about everything. He's going to tell Whit how he feels.
I think... I have feelings for Charles, I really really do. I know as the "Ultimate Match Maker" I should know for sure but that's for others! Not myself! Right now I'm sitting next to Charles awkwardly in silence. I'm usually the one who initiates conversation so the silence is beyond heavy. I mean I can practically hear my own thoughts! Does... Does he even want me to talk to him? I have always initiated the conversation... I sigh and look over to Charles, taking a shaky breath I ask him
"Am I.. annoying to you? Do I just... pester you?" I mutter.
I look back to Charles and his face is full of shock and.. maybe even regret? Only a little though if you look very closely... Charles takes a sharp breath and looks down at the ground, seemingly disappointed as he says ashamedly
"Fuck... Is that how I really make you feel after not responding?"
That is... such an unlike Charles thing to say? I tilt my head with confusion. If he doesn't hate me but also doesn't talk to me... Then what is he feeling? More importantly... why did he ask me to hang out with him? As soon as this question pops into my brain, Charles then let's out a slight chuckle, moving up his goggles pushing it against the bridge of his nose,
"You're not annoying, Whit. Yes you might be pushy and yes you might make stupid jokes that always seem to annoy me. Sometimes you push my buttons more than anyone that has in my life but... I don't hate you for it. Stop giving me that look. Like I just stomped and spit on your heart. It's in your head. It's not how I feel about you." Charles says.
This causes my eyes to widen in shock, how does he..? How did he know I thought all of that? Was I that obvious?! But then why did... why did he invite me here? I hear Charles take a deep breath, he seems... on edge or something? I'm not entirely sure. I've never been the greatest at handling serious situations so I'm just awkwardly staring at the floor. Charles seeming like he wants to say something but hesitating.
Welp. Looks like I gotta do what I do best...
Initiate the conversation!
"So... Why did you invite me to your room? I mean usually I just pester you all day, not that I'm complaining though! It's a nice change of pace.~" I say nudging Charles which— surprisingly, causes him to let out a small, almost unnoticeable— chuckle. He seems more at ease thankfully, watching him roll his eyes at my antics and sigh, his next words... they...
They shocked me. To say the least.
"I guess... you can say, or a certain level... you aren't entirely annoying and that I don't hate your presence entirely." Charles admits before facepalming and pinching the bridge of his nose
"God- no that's... that's not what I wanted to say. Whit. I like you. Look I know it's stupid. I know it's beyond horrendous timing since we are in this... 'game' but I can't bite back this feeling. I've never felt this way about everyone and it's extremely risky but I... I needed to tell you." Charles finished his confession, covering his slight blush and looking away.
Now here we are...
4:35 in the afternoon, confessing his feelings in his room, sitting on his bed awkwardly and avoiding eye contact. If the silence earlier was heavy then holy fuck this was suffocating.
I clear my throat after a good 10 minutes has passed and look at Charles, sighing and feeling the heat rush to my face, finally muttering something; anything out.
"Charles... I like you too. You... You intrigued me since day 1, so I started to bother you and try to be as close to you as possible.."
After I confess, the silence is heavy, almost deafening. So here we are... sitting in silence. I peak at Charles for a moment and see something I didn't expect to see, in fact, the very last thing I expected to see...
Not just one or two...
He is full on silently sobbing, trying to cover his mouth to keep them in..
Out of a panicked state, I try to hug him. I tried to hug him gently... making sure to be gentle enough to the point he can breathe without struggling, comfortingly rubbing his back.
"Charles..? What's wrong..?" I say in a concerned, almost pitying tone of voice. I know this is completely out of character of me to do, but what can I say? He's upset and I can't sit there and let him cry. I look at him, clearly confused at his reaction as he takes a deep and shaky breath. "Whit... I'm scared. What if— What if I lose you? What.. What would I do with myself?" He murmurs.
He's practically shaking and that's when the dots connect in my head.. He's like a scared child...
He's scared of possibly losing the only person he might have left.
With this bitter but very necessary knowledge, I gently continue to rub his back, sighing as I pull him into a tighter hug now that he's calmed, giving him a small side hug as he has one arm wrapped around me, the other wiping away his tears. I sigh and try my best to lighten the situation,
"Heh, Right words; wrong time. Am I right?"  Thankfully, this stupid sentence gets him to let out a sad chuckle.
"Yeah I... I guess you could say that." Charles says in response, still seemingly upset.
We stay there for a while, just wrapped in each other's arms in an awkward- yet comforting side hug.
We're going to make it out, Charles. I promise you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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