➤ "Dance With Me"

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(I am so incredibly normal about this song /silly /lh.)

Dancing .
The art form in which human movement becomes the medium for sensing, understanding, and communicating ideas, feelings, and experiences. Or that has been present at every stage of civilization; partaking in its beauty is a way of connecting to humans past, present, and future.
And who doesn't love some good dance fluff?

Somehow, someway, [OC] and [Crush] had winded up at a dance with their friends. The night started off with them all hanging around one another, enjoying the party as they danced and actually enjoyed the company of their friends and companions. However, as the night progressed, the group dispersed, with leaving only [OC] and [Crush] together. Neither of them wanted to leave the other alone in this setting, nor did they want to be alone, so there they were! Hanging out together at this party and keeping one another company. Maybe they're either a little hyped up on soda, or under some influence of alcohol - or maybe they're completely sober!

As music began to play, a song that seemed to gather the attention of both [OC] and [Crush], and it seemed to put [Crush]/[OC] in a mood that they had took a few steps toward the dance floor before looking back at [OC]/[Crush], flashing them a smile. "Care to dance with me?" They offered their hand to [OC]/[Crush] as they had offered to dance with them. How will [OC]/[Crush] respond? Will they decline? Accept? Something else entirely?


[ "You say "Come and dance with me",
But I'm a bit too shy so I just smile politely.
I know you want me to.
What have I got to lose?

You said, "Let me dance with you"
But I got two left feet, no rhythm, or groove,
I'm dancin' anyhow
But I still walked home by myself." ]

Prompts —

• "Trust me."

• "Don't look at the floor, look at me."

• "I'd like to have you as my dance partner."

• "You totally made up this song, didn't you?"

• "My feet hurt so badly. Please help me escape, [name]!"

• "I'm a little nervous."
"Don't worry, so am I."

• "It is a shame no one will dance with you. People really do have bad taste."

• "Will you do the honor of dancing with me?"

• "Keep your hand on my waist."

• "Take my hand."

• "Let me guide you."

• "Won't you dance with me, darling?"

• "I would love to ask you for a dance."
"Then please do."

• "They are all staring at us."
"Well they can't take their eyes off so much beauty."

• "We make quite the good couple. And not only on the dance floor."

• "You're a bad dancer."
"Then go find someone else to dance with."

• "Dance with me."
"Because we have to act like nothing happened."

• "I wanted to dance with you today."
" We danced."

• "I would think that you have better things to do, rather than dancing with me."

• "Alright, take me out for a spin."

• "They're staring."
" Let them."

• "You're quite the dancer, aren't you?"

• "Dance with me."
"Right here?"
" [nods]"
"But... there's no music playing."
"We don't need it."


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