He took four steps when Sam stood hands behind his back and shouted,


Instinctively Callen dropped to his knees, his head bowed, breathing heavily.

Sam strode across the gym, checking out Callen's stance and movement.

"Good...Good boy..." he stroked his hand gently over the stubble on Callen's head.

Callen shot a confused look up at Sam.

Understanding, Sam continued to pet Callen, "It's ok, everyone has gone and the camera's are turned off," he informed the younger man.

Callen let out an audible sigh of relief and waited as his 'SEAL' walked around the front of him. Sam had never liked the terms Master and Slave. as they were triggering issues for the both of them.

Sam was Callen's SEAL and in turn, Callen was Sam's Brat.

It had been that way for years.

The first time it happened was when Callen was recovering from his shooting. Sam had sat for hours after Callen had been taken in for surgery. He was surprised when Macy and Nate turned up at the hospital and waited with him for the doctor inform them of Callen's prognosis. Macy stood up as a smaller woman arrived in the waiting room. Sam looked over at her - four foot nine he guessed and with the worried look on her face, maybe she was Callen's mother?

Macy walked over to her, "Agent Lange...I..."

"You have an excuse for this Ms. Macy?" she glared at the taller woman.

"No...No ma'am."

"Director Vance is expecting you in Washington as soon as possible - for reassignment."

"This isn't my fault," Macy hissed at her.

"You were the Operations Manager and everything that happens to your agents, is your fault. When Mr. Callen came to you last month and told you he thought he was being watched, did you have his claims checked out?" The smaller woman asked.

Macy stalked to the corner of the waiting room, keeping her voice low.

"I looked into it. I just thought Callen was being paranoid. I mean he never stays in the same place for more than a few nights. How was I supposed to know?"

"Because Mr. Callen knew. He is your Agent and you should trust his judgement." Macy moved back as if struck by the woman's words.

"You need to leave," Hetty Lange said bluntly.

Macy looked visibly shocked but with Nate moving to stand near the smaller woman, she nodded and left.

Sam watched with interest as Nate walked over to her.

"He's going to be alright," he said to her, keeping his voice low.

Hetty turned to him, "I know Mr. Getz, I am, after all, his medical proxy."

At that Sam looked up with interest. So she was related to G?

"Of course, you are...are you staying?" Nate asked.

"I am taking over as Operations Manager at Special Projects."

Nate raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Does he know?" he asked.

Hetty shook her head, "No...this incident necessitated my move from my last posting."

Nate grinned, "He's not going to like it. Can I be there when you tell him?"

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