☆• Gender •☆

69 1 3

Ah yes.

Gender. Such confusion.
Whelp. It's gotta be done.
If you get non-binary, agender or bigender the biological gender is up to you!

Numbers 1 to 7 -- Gender

1: She-cat

2: Trans she (with the body of a tom)

3: Tom

4: trans tom (with the body of a she)

5: Non-binary

6: Agender

7: Bigender (both tom and she)

Pronouns! Because pronouns and gender are not always connected to eachother! You can skip this one if you'd like.

Numbers 1 to 10 -- Pronouns

1: He/him

2: She/her

3: They/them

4: It/it's

5: She/he or he/she

6: She/they

7: He/it

8: She/he/it

9: He/they/it

10: She/they/it

Lemme know whatcha got! Ferretrun is currently a trans tom going by he/they/it pronouns!!


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