Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

Tony rolled his eyes, "Where do you get your sarcasm from Mister Parker?" he asked, "What happened to my shy little underoos." he teased.

Peter's cheeks were turning red, "Mister Stark!" he squeaked before clearing his throat, "I've been hanging around you and Pietro for two years." he replied, shrugging slightly.

Tony snorted, "That you have kid."

The boy grinned at him before finishing off his last plate of lunch and getting up to rinse his plate. As he walked by his sister, he grabbed her plate that was empty as well and started rinsing the dishes before he put them in the dishwasher. Tony had grabbed the popcorn kernels from the cabinet and had them tucked under his arm as well as a pack of sodas.

"Alrighty then let's get on our Harry Potter." he announced in a terrible British accent, making the two teens cringe at him. He looked at them challengingly, "You think you do better?" he asked.

Peter nodded his head, "Of course, Mister Stark. Don't you think princess?" he asked in a perfect accent.

Tony looked at him, impressed.

The thirteen year old giggled at her brother, "Of course Pete," she replied in an equally spot on accent.

"Look at you two showing this old man up," he teased.

Peter looked at him and looked like he was about to say something about Tony calling himself old.

Tony held up his finger, "Only I get to call myself old underoos, wait until you're thirty to call me old."

Peter nodded, grinning largely at him.

The three of them walked into the movie room in the last room on the third floor of the compound. Tony had JARVIS turn on the movie before starting the popcorn. He turned around and noticed that the two siblings had reclined the couch that sat in the middle of the cinema and had covered it with blankets and pillows. Peter had two large bags of gummy bears and a box of gobstoppers and nerds in his hands. He smiled at the sight and announced he'd be back in a few minutes. He came back downstairs minutes later and found the two siblings putting the freshly cooked popcorn in a large bucket. They turned around to look at him and they both grinned largely at the man. He'd changed from his dress shirt and slacks into a pair of spider-man themed pajama pants, a t-shirt that read "I'm awesome, deal with it" and a pair of fuzzy socks that Morgan had gotten him.

"Don't I look good, you two?" he asked.

Penny nodded happily.

"You look great Mister Stark." Peter announced, giving him a big thumbs up with his free hand.

"Great, now let's get this show on the road." the billionaire announced.

The two siblings sat down, leaving space in between them for the man. Tony happily sat in between the two teenagers with the bucket of popcorn in his lap. After a while, the popcorn became forgotten and Tony put an arm around each of them after he set it to the side. Two movies in, he felt a weight drop onto his shoulder. He looked to his left and smiled to himself when he noticed that Penny was out cold on his arm. Peter slouched down in the seat, the blanket that had been draped over the three of them was starting to stick to him. Eventually, his arm found its way across the billionaire's stomach and Peter was resting his head on the side of the man's chest. Tony took it as a sign that both of them were sleeping and pulled the covers up on Penny. He sat in between the two teens who had fallen asleep on him and refused to move until they were up. Part of the reason was because of Peter's habit of sticking to things in his sleep; Tony knew that if he wanted to move, then he'd have to take the couch, blanket and the sixteen year old with him. Morgan was the first to find them after she'd finished her homework and crawled up under the blankets with Penny. The thirteen year old rolled over to the eight year old and ended up hugging her in her sleep, her back pressed firmly against Tony's side. Morgan ended up rolling over and had her face stuffed into the thirteen year old's hoodie, which he noticed early on was one that Peter had stolen from him. The two girls had their arms wrapped around each other, Penny's chin was pressed against the top of the youngest of his three kid's head. He had a large goofy grin on his face when Pepper finally found them. She took a picture of them, finding the scene to have completely melted her heart, and sat down at the foot of the couch.

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