[0.1] Outlanders

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My eyes flew open, the curtains drawn apart by a harsh gust of wind

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My eyes flew open, the curtains drawn apart by a harsh gust of wind. I shivered, cold despite myself, my hand clutching tightly to the fabric of my dress. I was sitting on a low bench beside the fireplace. My feet dangled over the edge, dangling above the ground below. I must have fallen asleep here again, sitting next to the fire. I stood up, pulling the cloak tighter around myself. I turned toward the window to see that it had closed, its frame covered in ice.  

It's been 4 months since I got in this world. 124 days of suffering from a cold winter that has refused to thaw. 2976 hours of confusion of how I've entered this universe as a new person, with no memory of what I'm supposed to be, or how I came to be here. Or why.

The door creaked open suddenly , causing me to turn, startled. A girl stepped into the room, carrying some kind of bundle wrapped in cloth in her arms. Her hair was long and brown, falling past her waist and framing her features. Her blue eyes shone with the reflection of the fire in front of us. She wore an old fashioned white gown and a thick scarf.

  “...Yleana, I've found a job for you. ” She said, walking forward cautiously, as if approaching a frightened animal, “It pays very well for you to stay in the castle, you know. You'll be safer there.” She added, setting the bundle down on the table and unwrapping it. 

It revealed itself to be a pair of clothes. 'maid's clothes' as she called them.“Oh, thank you.” I answered, surprised. “How much are they?” The girl raised an eyebrow at me. “Not a penny. You're helping me out with a small favour. It would be in our best interests to help one another.” She smiled.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked, taking the bundle from her hands. She sat across from me at the table. “Well, you just happened to be my brother's best friend , and he thought you'd want a job too." she told me.

Edith Seiber, 21 years old, a commoner , a maid working in the castle. She was kind, generous, and intelligent. Her brother, Kael Seiber is a licensed doctor , and she works in a local apothecary shop. Their parents died when they were young, so they grew up on their own. I remembered every detail they said to me, as a person who's wary yet intrigued.  

Kael was the first one to show kindness to me when I awoke from this world. In the freezing winter, he offered me home, lying to her sister that I'm a close friend of his . After all, Kael and I aren't exactly friends. he just happened to be a good Samaritan and I just happened to be a stranger.  

“Do they need background checks? ” I wondered, “i.. i don't think it's wise for me to work for them." She shook her head. “No, it's fine," Edith insisted, "I've recommended you and I'm pretty close to the head maid . They'd hire you anyway. It's better if we do it this way.” I sighed. 

Working at a noble household is nothing like the work at a barbershop or the laundress. specially if you're serving the royal family or nobility. Everyone has different expectations about what it means to work at a noble household - whether to do chores or wait tables, or even serve tea, all of which are considered beneath you in society.

Reincarnated as The Villain's Hound Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя