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Amelié's POV

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Amelié's POV

I would be lying if I didn't say I was nervous, but I have to keep my composure and try and at least be open. I used to have major problems with making new 'friends' in this case I wouldn't mind if he became more.

Who knows, I would just like to start by getting to know him first before I think ahead about these things.

He had messaged me that he was outside,
and now I was borderline terrified.

I put Saucisse on a lead and headed to the elevator contemplating if I should lie and say something came up.

But after 5 seconds of thinking I realized that was unfair and I would have wasted his time

I should just get it over with, shouldn't I? it's not that hard.

We will talk, maybe go for a walk or something who knows but let's just do it

Get it over with

Go outside the doors.

Go outside the doors?

Turn around.


Walk through the doors then.


Just do it.


"Judy Blume!" I shouted throwing myself onto him and causing him to stumble back

"Amelié you're going to make me fall," Jude responded putting me down

"Are you trying to say that I'm heavy?" I let out a toothy smile

"Wait what, no that's not what I meant" he laughed nervously looking down at me

"I'm just pulling your leg, Bellingham."
I joked trying to lighten the mood

"Your bringing Saucisse?" Jude said in his thick Brum accent making the dog's name sound funny

"Maybe just call him sausage instead." I chuckled looking down at Saucisse

"I am bringing Saucisse, to answer the question." I let out one word

Great I'm already embarrassing myself.

"I don't think you're embarrassing," Jude said gently

How did he-?
Is he a vampire?

"Did I say that aloud?" I asked him curiously

"Yes, you did?" Jude responded to me
Well ofc he's not a vampire

"Where are we going?" I mumbled picking up Saucisse and putting him in the back of the uber

"I know this great spot, no fans or people in general." He told me looking deep into my eyes

"Oh alright, what are we going to do when we get there?" I asked

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