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「 Love To Hate Me 」

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ♡︎♡︎♡︎
[M.NAME] HATED FLOWERS. Hated the way it looked, the way it smelled, the way everybody makes flowers out to be something so meaningful and beautiful when it's just a colourful plant. A decoration to a surrounding. People who gave flowers of different species and colours meanings were ridiculous for doing that. It was stupid and nonsensical.

Flowers were just flowers. There is no sadness to it, no love, no happiness, no truth, and definitely no wisdom. All of it was just made up by some bloke that had nothing better to do in their life but to make everything so sentimental. And being sentimental isn't such a great thing either. It creates a distraction to the present and prevents people from seeing the future.

Being sentimental meant being emotional. And being emotional meant being vulnerable. Vulnerability isn't something [M.Name] was so keen on having. He'd rather have no weakness but no strengths either. It meant he was free from dangers and risks.

But, unfortunately, that was far from happening. Having no weaknesses meant he was indestructible, but [M.Name] was weak. He's a poor, fragile kid that is currently living through Hell, not a single ray of hope being given to him as day continues to pass by with nothing but an empty stomach, a headache, and a burning body. Compared to all the kids he sees playing with each other, befriending others, having fun, and seemingly living their lives to their fullest, [M.Name] was merely a dying weed in a garden filled with vibrant flowers.

It's why he hated flowers and the people that surrounded him.

In a forest with thick, humongous trees, it was hard being a tiny little shrub that was barely getting any sunlight and water, having tiny roots that couldn't even reach the nutrients from the soil underneath.

It was a miracle the train wasn't packed today, or else [M.Name] will be forced to take his bike and ride it all the way from his house to his school again. The last time he did that wasn't too long ago. It was Monday, people were rushing to get to compartments and often pushing others just to get to an empty seat so they wouldn't be too unfortunate to stand. He was, as luck never seemed to be on his side, one of the many people that had to stand the whole ride.

As the train came to a stop, so did the song playing in the bespectacled boy's headset. The scent of women's perfume attacked his senses as a woman in her early twenties pushed past him, hurrying to get out of the compartment without even apologizing to the people she bumped into. He had little to no care though as he just waited for everyone to leave, being one of the last people to exit while fishing out his phone from his pocket.

While scrolling through his list of songs and stopping for a bit at the top of the stairs, the thought of suddenly dying abruptly entered his mind, the stillness of the air and the ever-moving people making him feel as if he's too aware of his surroundings.

𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐁𝐎𝐘 ━━ 𝗟𝗢𝗢𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗠Where stories live. Discover now