The four scoff at the note of Hogwarts being safe, nothing about this place is safe they've all ended up in the hospital wing at least once a year and not because they were sick.

When the duo enter Ada bows to show respect shocking the goblin not many wiccans have the common curtesy to bow. Ada doesn't even know why she did it, it was like something in her brain just told her to.

Some purebloods were shocked by the girls actions, it was rare for such a young witch to show respect toward the goblins, it was known that the goblins were a warrior race and if you give them respect you will get it back.

"Hagrid who are they?" Ada asked, "They're goblins, Ada. Clever as they come goblins, but not the most friendly of beasts. Best stick close to me." Hagrid explains as Ada sticks to him. Hagrid clears his throat as they approach a counter with a goblin, wearing spectacles and a waistcoat, in it. "Miss. Ada Potter wishes to make a withdrawal."

The goblin looks up. "And does Miss. Ada Potter have her key?" the goblin askes with a slight sneer Hagrid starts to search his pockets'. "Wait a minute. Got it here somewhere. Hah. There's the little devil." Then he whispers, not well, over to the goblin "Oh, and there's something else as well." Takes out a letter wrapped in a string. "Professor Dumbledore gave me this." Hagrid hands the Goblin the letter." It's about you-know-what in vault you-know-which."

"Very well." The goblin says taking them to someone who can open the vault for them. "Hey Hagrid why do you have my key?" Ada askes making the goblin tune in with suspicion, no one should have the key except her and he knows that money has been taken out of the Potter vault. "Oh urm Professor Dumbledore gave me it" Hagrid told the girl making her frown, why did he have it? The goblin sneered they don't trust the old goat with his grandfatherly front.

Amelia wrote that down planning on looking into that, when she looked at Dumbledore she could see the anger in his eyes.

Later, they race down the depth caverns in a cartlike structure. The cart stops, a goblin called Griphook, clambers out. Ada smiled through out the whole ride, it felt like a rollercoaster, well that's what she thinks they're like she's never been on one. "Vault 687. Lamp, please." Hagrid hands him the lamp and he walks to the vault "Key please." Griphook calls out Hagrid hands him the key and Griphook unlocks the vault. The room is filled nearly top to bottom with coins. Ada couldn't believe it. "Didn't think your mum and dad would leave you with nothing now, did ya?"

Some people were amazed at how rich the girl was. Ada felt a bit embarrassed she knows other people are less fortunate then her and she felt like she didn't deserve the money. "You know pup that's just your trust fund, you get access to all of your vaults when your 18." Sirius tells his daughter as she looks at him with a shocked face "What." She says in disbelief as everyone else felt jealous.

They continue on through the cavern. "Vault 713." Griphook calls out "What's in there, Hagrid?" Ada asks "Can't tell you, Ada. It's Hogwarts business. Very secret." That confused her, if she wasn't suppose to know why did Hagrid choose to get it now, there is still a month till school he had plenty of time to get it then.

"And this is where the curiosity starts." Hermione sighs

"Your very observant love." Mattheo tells the girl getting a smile "Thank you." She's always been proud of her observational skills.

"Stand back." Griphook slides finger down the door. The vault opens to reveal a small white stone package. Hagrid enters the vault and scoops it up. The eerie light it was shining with disappears. "Best not mention this to anyone, Ada." As Ada nods in agreement.

Outside back in Diagon Alley, Ada and Hagrid are walking through the street. Ada has bought most of her equipment, and is reading her list. "I still need...a wand." She informs the man "A wand? Well, you'll want Ollivanders." he points to the store "No place better. Run along there, but wait. I just got one more thing I got to do. Won't be long."

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