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He is empathetic and devoted
She is cold and reserved
He hides his pain beneath the smile
She carries her demons with the courage
He describes her in his poetry
She portrays him with love
She's unnerved to be admired
But worships to be loved by him

Mira never imagined that the man she was supposed to marry would one day be the future king of Chittorgarh. But as she walked down the aisle on her engagement day, the world slipped beneath her feet. 

The groom, the man her family had forced her to marry, stood waiting on the stage while holding his hand out for her, Mira's heart screamed for a release, a release from the constant torment that life was throwing her way.   

Her heart was screaming for freedom, begging the universe to help her, to free her from these hardships. Mira wanted to tear down the whole world for making her life so miserable. Only one thing came to her mind, every time she glanced at the groom 'Everything I dreamt of went in vain. My years of hard work reached nowhere and now here I am, going to become the wife of Siddharth Singh Rajput. The future king of Chittorgarh. My life will no longer be mine, it will belong to someone else. Again, someone else will rule my life.'

And while knowing that their accidental meeting was nothing sort of fairytale-ish kind of thing but was filled with sarcastic humor, threats of murder, and the icy daggers that Mira shot at Siddharth every time he dared to open his mouth. That night at the party, there wasn't an ounce of magic - so as Mira thought- and a series of missteps and her empty murderous threats towards the prince of Chittorgarh. Hence, it was clear that their story was off to a rough start.

So, now as she stood on the edge of her future, destined to marry a future king and rule the kingdom together, Mira was hesitant. Scared? Well, not exactly. But after all the men she had encountered in her life, she held no hopes in this marriage or the man she was supposed to tie the knot.  

But what Mira didn't know was that Siddharth wasn't like the men she had encountered before because Siddharth never ruled someone, nor he was interested in ruling anyone's life, least of all hers. The only thing he had ever ruled over were the hearts of the people who knew him best. If Siddharth Singh Rajput had one gift to give, it was love, to love someone—immensely, irrevocably, and infinitely. 

But of course, the rumors painted a different picture of him. Siddharth was known to be sarcastic and for being utterly indifferent to what people thought of him. It was obvious that many people held opinions about him and most of them were... unpleasant. He was known to be a ruthless corporate bastard, a careless heir to the throne. And just like others, Mira shared those opinions too. She had heard enough to know what kind of man he was...or so she thought.

But how long does it take for an opinion to change? A moment? A word? A simple gesture?

In Mira's case, Siddharth didn't just pass one test. He passed every single one. 

His love for her surpassed all else. It was just, so deep, so pure. And if Mira had asked him to slit his own throat, he would have done so without a moment of hesitation and yet thank her for the chance to fulfill her wishes. He would have drunk poison with a smile if that's all she wanted and yet his love would remain the same. Such was the deepness of his devotion to Mira that he would endure any sacrifices for her sake, without a question, without any fear.

And somehow, his love for her crumbled the walls of Mira's frozen heart and stitched the pieces that had been broken for so long.

"My heart beats for you, Mira" Siddharth's confession roared in Mira's mind, over and over again.

But after spending her entire life rejected by her family, unloved, and unseen, Mira couldn't believe him. She didn't dare to. She had learned the hard way that trusting someone would only lead to heartbreak. Every time she had given her trust to someone, they had crushed it. So why, she wondered, did Siddharth's words feel like a comfort? Why did his presence feel like...home?

"Mira, I know that you are never going to love me back, but please let me love you. I want to cherish you always, no matter what life throws our way. You can hate me if that's the only way you can let your years of frustration out, but just know that I'll never stop loving you and no matter how many days, months, or years will pass, I'll always be there for you."

Even if that would result in slicing his own heart into pieces, he would still be there for her. In every step of her life. The pain of his unrequited love screamed in his eyes, but so was his loyalty towards her.

And soon, Mira found herself slowly breaking down the barriers she had built. His love, his never-ending support, and the way he respected her space, all began to melt the bitterness she had held to for so long. As the days passed, Mira found herself thinking of Siddharth less as a king and more as a man. A man who saw her, not just the broken parts, but every part of her. The caged emotions Mira had concealed for so long were set free for the first time in her twenty-five years of life.

 And just as she started to let go of her fears, she saw him for what he truly was. Not a ruthless king, not a monster. But a man who loved her—deeply, selflessly. Siddharth's words reverberated through her own dreams and allowed her the wings she had yearned for. 

In his arms, she found a home, and in his heart, she found a love stronger than any darkness or pain she had ever known, so with tears in her eyes and a heart overflowing with emotions she never felt before, she whispered, "You didn't just mend my heart, Siddharth. You set it free to love again." And at that moment, Siddharth's universe seemed to pause. She loved him. Finally, she loved him back.

Three years passed, and their love only grew stronger. The world may have seen a king and queen, but in their eyes, they were just two souls who had healed one another, found one another, and loved beyond the bounds of what anyone could imagine.



Hope, you guys have enjoyed reading the prologue of 'Vows of Marriage'

VOWS OF MARRIAGEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora