Chapter 1

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"Lili, would you like to explain why there's a tornado inside my house?" Uncle Bayu sighed, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Lili shrugged innocently, tucking her hands into the back pockets of her jeans.

"Lili...." Uncle Bayu shook his head.

Lili sighed loudly and blinked, clearing the fog from her eyes as the winds began to still. The furniture, vases, and trinkets all came crashing down onto the marble floor.

"I thought we talked about control." Uncle Bayu said, stomping across the throne room and planting himself in front of his 17-year-old niece.

"I was in complete control, Uncle Bayu. I chose to make a tornado in the throne room." Lili smirked.

"Of course you did. Why wouldn't you? You are your mother's daughter." Uncle Bayu shook his head but he couldn't help the sly smirk that slid across his face.

Lili Oxford was the seventeen year old daughter of Marigold and Finn Oxford, the former Alpha and Luna of the Silver Moon pack. Once upon a time, Marigold was the banished fae princess, but now her brother, King Bayu, has named her daughter as his heir. Bayu had no children of his own and never found his mate. He was forced to take over the throne of the fae realm from his eldest brother, Solaris, when he was murdered defending the werewolves from the heinous Council.

When she was sixteen, Lili moved permanently to the fae realm, after spending months at time there throughout her entire childhood. Her older twin siblings, Lexi and Levi, became the new co-Alphas of the Silver Moon pack and Lili left to train alongside her uncle; train to control her abilities and train to take over the throne as Queen.

Lili got her mother's strength and all of her stubbornness, but none of her control. She was a wild spirit who barely had a handle on her abilities as a wind fae. Luckily for her, Bayu had decades of experience in controlling the wind element and he was prepared to teach his niece everything he knew before handing over the throne.

"Did you need something?" Lili asked,

"I need you to clean up this mess and then get changed. The leaders from the nine villages will be here shortly." Uncle Bayu said, eyeing Lili with a threatening gaze.

"Yes, Uncle Bayu." Lili grumbled, knowing she was fighting a losing battle.

The nine villages made up the fae realm, led by nine elected officials that were overseen by the royal family. Once every three months, all of the leaders came to the palace to update the King on their village's successes and needs. These dinners were the bane of Lili's existence; she hated them. The leaders were mostly old men or their young male predecessors who were pigheaded idiots. It was a boy's club and everyone knew it; Lili was determined to change it.

She quickly cleaned up the throne room and then hurried through the elaborate castle. She ran up the huge marble staircase, taking the steps two at a time as they wrapped their way up to the second and then third story of the castle. She moved swiftly down the long hallway which was adorned in old tapestries and intricately designed runners which covered the ancient hardwood floors.

At the end of the hall was an arched wooden door with a brass handle. She tugged at the handle and the door creaked open, revealing a spiral staircase. The metal staircase was lit only by the soft flames of torches littering the old cobblestone wall. The tower was a part of the old castle, built long before the castle was updated with marble floors, glass ceilings, and gold details.

The original gothic architecture left the tower feeling dark and cool, but it was Lili's favorite place in the whole castle, which is why her room was at the very top. The spiral staircase snaked up the tower a few times before coming to a stop at another arched wooden door. Lili pushed it open and revealed a large open room.

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