My girl 💕

Hello? Are u ignoring me?
How rude 😠

My Chelsea 🥵

I'm sorry. I have my phone
on silence.
No need to be a
drama queen 🙄 And ofc

My girl 💕

I am not a drama queen!
You take that back!😖

My Chelsea 🥵

I'm sorry, professor.
But I must not tell lies."😘

My girl 💕

Really? A Harry Potter
reference? 😒

My Chelsea 🥵

Hey! You have your
movies and I have mine!
Harry Potter is so much
better than yours horrors crap. 🙄

My girl 💕

First half of that message is true. But the other half not so much.
I have an idea, I'm gonna tell you a few questions about some horror and then you can ask me?

My Chelsea 🥵

Ofc! That sounds like fun!

My girl 💕

Excellent. So the first question.
What's your favorite scary movie?

My Chelsea 🥵

Did u really had
to ask this one? U know
I don't like Stab and
Stab references...
But probably The Conjuring.

My girl 💕

Interesting choice. It's quite good, but I still prefer Stab.

My girl 💕

Question number two.
What happened to ur mother in 2011 during another Woodsboro killing?

My Chelsea 🥵

Amber. No.
Why would u ask that!

My girl 💕

I'm not Amber.

My Chelsea 🥵

Hahaha. Really funny, Amber.
Hope u had a fun.

My girl 💕

Goodnight, Chelsea Tatum Weathers-Riley.

Mad Chelsea turn of her phone and went back to the trailer. „You good?" asked Dewey, when he heard a loud bang his daughter made with doors of the trailer. „Yeah. Amber's just being a dick. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, dad."

Chelsea kisses her father's left cheek and still mad when to bed. Her mind still occupied with a conversation she just had with her girlfriend.

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