Your beauty never ever scared me

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I was woken up by a woman crying. Unusual for the surroundings of my abode. Usually no one ever came to the upper part of the forest.

I opened my eyes slowly and stretched, looked out of the cave, and saw that dawn had just risen.

The woman kept crying and mumbling for help, but I didn't bother to look for her. I couldn't put her in any more danger, given my gift.

I wrapped myself in my tunic and decided to start a fire to boil some water, with which I would then brew an infusion.

I can't complain about my life, even if it's lonely I'm still allowed to live it. The only thing I despise about myself is my so-called gift. A gift that has damned me for eternity.

After lighting the fire and boiling some water, I headed for some herbs but noticed the empty pottery.

I grunted and rubbed my eyes. It really was no good, I would have to go out to get the mint and hope not to run into the woman.

I wrapped myself in another robe and grabbing the basket, I walked out of the cave.

The only times I leave my home, are to get food or herbs for infusions. I never set foot outside unless it is absolutely necessary.

I walked down the usual path into the forest and looked closely at the plants, searching for the mint ones. Before I was given my gift, I happened to be a skilled healer, serving at the temple of Athena, and delighting in making herbal infusions and dressings, so it wasn't hard for me to identify the different plants.

I was walking lost in memories when I stumbled. "Damn it!" I cursed rubbing my sore knee.

"Who's there?"

Oh no. The woman must have heard me fall.

I stood in silence trying not to make a sound. But she had no intention of giving up.

"Anyone there? Please help me..." She begged crying.

My healer senses prevailed over my intentions not to harm the stranger and I tried to approach her cautiously.

I saw the woman lying on her side. Her body covered in bruises and wounds. "I will try to help you, but please do not look in my direction," I said softly.

The woman gasped not expecting to hear my voice and turned in my direction.

"NO! Don't do it!" I yelled thinking the worst.

But the worst didn't happen, the young woman was still laying there in front of me.

"But how?! I-" I muttered in shock.

"Oh, forgive me. I'm blind, I should have told you right away. Why shouldn't I have looked at you?" She asked innocently.

"B-blind?" I said after a few minutes, recovering. "No reason at all. Let me help you."

I approached the woman cautiously. She was blind. Probably not being able to see, means she is immune to my gift. This had never happened to me before. Being able to talk to someone other than my inner demons was a feeling I hadn't experienced in a very long time.

"I am infinitely grateful..." Too weak to continue the stranger lost consciousness.

Perfect, now I must carry her to the cave. Luckily it wasn't too far away, and I had a higher level of strength than humans, thanks to my gift, so I didn't have too much trouble. On the way, I gathered some herbs for the ointment I was going to prepare.

Once I arrived near the cave, I walked in and put her on the cow skins that made up my bed and began to prepare the ointment and infusions.

When I was done, I decided to apply the ointment to the wounds. I looked at her. She seemed so peaceful laying on my bed. I walked over and stroked her forehead. I have to admit, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her features are so sweet and delicate, her diaphanous skin glowed under the light coming from the cave opening. She was truly beautiful.

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