The Garden

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"How could you do this to me ?" he questioned. To me in this light I think he was tearing up. "I didn't mean to I wouldn't have moved if my mom and dad were perfect like us and it wasn't my decision" I replied. "The keyword there is WERE because now we are DONE and I never want to see you again" he said and left the garden. " Oh yeah well I don't need you anymore because because.... Ummmm I already have another boyfriend" I yelled and he stopped walking and turned to me. " You what?" he shouted down the hall. He started to come to the garden when I remembered I had the key to it because I am a professional excel student which is higher than him. I quickly to out the key and locked my self in the garden and he kept banging on the glass. I put some plants in front of the door so it be harder for him to break through. He finally walk away after trying to break it 27 times. As soon as he was finished and was almost completely bruised all over his body I went into a corner and started to sobb. This was like the worst day I could have ever imagined. I stayed in the garden for about the next 20 minutes thinking to myself what I said earlier about having a new boyfriend. What if he tells people and it gets around the school and people start asking questions what will I say. I mean the only partly upside is that I'll be moving so I want have to listen to the questions in person if that does happen. The down side is that i pretty much gave my number to every senior in the school. My life has ruined me and now it feels like it doesn't exist like I'm all alone and not one person understands. As I was walking out of school I was also thinking it can't get worse and I spoke to soon because it started to rain and my bus was being fixed and my parents were at work. Maybe leaving won't be such a bad thing I could start a new life with new friends and teachers and most importantly new guys to meet....... I can't wait!!!

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