I arched a brow. I wasn't aware the pack had cells, but, the subject of intruders was not something that was spoken about among pack members often, and I wondered if other people were in the dark about it as much as I was.

"You have cells? Who's in there?" I asked, craning my neck to take another look at the building, the un-kept grass tufty around it, some strands almost reaching up to the lowered roof, tickling it in the breeze.

I didn't receive an answer for a few seconds, and my heart began to beat erratically.

Had they captured Ophelia? Was she in there being tortured? Or, was it just her body in there? Was she dead?

"It's Caspian."

I widened my eyes at Lorenzo's admittance, my hands beginning to shake as I scowled at him. I didn't know why I was suddenly angry, but, my emotions were all over the place right now. I didn't want Caspian here.

"Caspian? What? Why? Why is he here?" My voice came out a little harsher than expected, and I noticed how Lorenzo recoiled slightly. He looked guilty, and I wondered how long Caspian had been inside the building. Had he been there the entire time I was unconscious?

"He practically gave himself up, Mia," Lorenzo told me, beginning to wheel me away from the stall and back in the direction of our house.

The lady behind the stall was probably eavesdropping, and if people didn't know about Caspian being in there, they certainly were going to now. That was surely a secret nobody could keep. Our old third in command was rotting away in the cells having given himself up after betraying us. It was juicy gossip.

I wanted to see Lorenzo's face as we spoke, so, I remained quiet for the rest of the journey back to the house, my anxiety creating crazy scenarios in my head. Were they going to accept Caspian back into the pack and reward him with his old position? Had everybody forgiven him? Was I the last to know?

"Steady your breathing, Mia," Lorenzo told me from above. "You're going to give yourself a panic attack."

I did as he said, taking in deep breaths and holding them for a few seconds before blowing them out slowly. My lungs were taut and felt as if they were being squeezed, but I untensed my muscles purposely, allowing my body to sag. I hadn't realised how clenched I was, a dull ache coursing through my tendons and ligaments.

We eventually returned back to the house, and Lorenzo shut the door quickly behind us, plopping the wrapped up sandwiches down on the counter. However, I was no longer in the mood to eat, and the smell of them was enough to make me gag. I felt sick.

"I know you're probably freaking out about him being here," Lorenzo said, taking a deep breath and sitting down in front of me. I noticed the way he eyed up the squished tomato sat on the counter before he began talking, and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

He didn't say anything though. I was sure he would have been able to guess that I had failed trying to cook for him.

"Caspian came to the border while you were still under. He wanted to talk, but I'm sure he knew what was going to happen. He brought something with him too as a sign of 'peace'."

I nodded once, encouraging Lorenzo to continue. I didn't want to speak and ruin his flow.

"He brought Greg's head with him."

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