It's a pity that I can't take advantage of the loophole next time.

    The moment the chessboard disappeared, the move took effect, and the moment Diablo moved, he suddenly returned to the original place without any preparation.

    Before he had time to react, he fell into the trap that Jiujiulin had already prepared.

    "The orld." Ninety-nine Lin first activated Diablo's skills in one step.

    Time stood still.

    The boss was close at hand, and Jiujiulin pulled out a pistol to pierce Diablo's main artery, and then pierced his heart.

    After wiping off the blood on the knife, he took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Diablo for preservation.

    In order to prevent the moment of time from flowing, Diablo's time-shifting evolution under desperate circumstances, Jiujiu Lin opened a zipper around his neck. Diablo's head was completely removed.

    Then, he opened two zippers on the small chocolate gift box leading to different different dimensions, stuffed the body and the head in respectively, and drew them together tightly.

    Now Diablo can't run away anymore!

    Do you want to submit the quest to Diablo? The system jumped out and asked.

    "Not yet." Jiujiulin had other plans, so he rejected the system's proposal.

    According to the direction he saw on the chessboard, he drove towards the white queen surrounded by black and white chess.

    Get out of the car and come to the Emerald Coast, and after walking a few steps, a familiar sister came into view.

    It's Bucciarati.

    Jiujiulin clicked on the system page to check, and there were 3 minutes left in "Super Reasoning".

    "Excuse me, is Mr. Bugarati?" He stepped forward and asked.

    "Yes, you are?" Bugarati asked politely, as mature and stable as in the expansion pack.

    "It's not important." Jiujiulin skipped the meaningless greetings and self-introduction, and said bluntly, "The enthusiastic boss you are looking for again is Diablo."

    Bugarati immediately became alert when he heard the words, showing With a vigilant look, his eyes narrowed slightly, secretly preparing for battle.

    "No, it's not what you think." Jiu Jiulin shook his head, "I mean he was killed by me." "Just


    Bugarati looked at him in astonishment, "Sir, please don't joke .”

    Jiujiulin took out his mobile phone and showed him the two photos he just took.

    The photo clearly showed the man's appearance and the two fatal injuries on the man's body.

    "Apaki in the escort team is replaying Diablo, and the sir will soon be able to tell if it's real or not." Jiu Jiulin put away his phone.

    Bugarati nodded, indeed, once Melancholy Blues played back the true face of the boss, the truth would be revealed immediately.

    "I need to use Apache's stand-in ability, and you and Giorno's goal is to overthrow Diablo and control drugs. Our interests can be kept on the same line. My position on the

    godfather Not interested, let alone the future development of enthusiasm. If Mr. Bugarati is willing to consider cooperation, I can cooperate with the escort to declare that the person who killed the "rebel" is our common "godfather" Giorno

    . , 'The Godfather' was too young to be able to convince the public, so he chose to use the Internet to contact other people.

    As for the boss' daughter, that's just a rumor spread by fools. "

    Jiujiulin finished speaking in one breath, looked at Bugarati, and waited for him to make a decision.

    He is the core of the guards. To a large extent, convincing Bugarati means convincing the guards.

    "What you said It's beyond my personal discretion for now, I'll need to ask my squad members. Buccarati spoke cautiously.

    His hesitation was expected by Jiujiu Lin, "No problem, I can understand. "

    The countdown to super-reasoning is coming to an end.

    "If you are willing to talk in detail, after two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, the location is up to you. "

    The super-reasoning countdown is over, and the relevant information has been blocked.

    The information deduced in Jiujiulin's mind includes the general situation of the enthusiasm organization, the situation of everyone in the escort team, and the movements of Risut, the leader of the assassination team represented by the Black King. After the countdown is over

    , The above information is also blocked.

    "Okay, what is the contact information of the sir? Bugarati noticed that the person in front of him was stunned for a moment, but he didn't think much about it.

    Jiujiulin and Bugarati exchanged calls.

    "I will notify you before 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon regardless of whether the transaction is or not. gentlemen. "Buggarati said.

    Two o'clock in the afternoon? It happened to be the end time of the "Super Reasoning" CD.

    Jiujiulin immediately understood his intentions.

    "Okay, welcome."

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