"Maybe because Pike is back, and she can forget about you being all judgy" Vax replied

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You've been acting like you can't trust her. Like back when we were kids. As if you've forgotten what she did to earn your trust" Vex only sighed at her brothers' words. He was right. She was so frustrated at the idea that she believed Miel should be the strongest, simply because she's known her longer, that she let her emotions get the best of her. And now, Miel doubts her magic more than ever.

"This Ziggurat" Percy spoke, gaining everyone's attention as he talked to Ripely, "You found it for them?"

Ripely scoffed as they stopped walking, "Not just found. Restored. Improved. At the Briarwoods' request, I was able to augment the structure with a particular mineral" she explained as she pulled down a wall to reveal an opening


"But to what end is anyone's guess."

They walked thought the small opening and Percy stepped forward, accidentally triggering a trap without knowing. Ripely did noticed and ran to him, pushing him out of the way and down to the ground. Something hit the floor, creating a dust cloud. When it disappeared, they looked to see the pathway covered in spikes. Ripely got up and walked over to what looked to be the main part of the trap.

"Worked even better than my design" she muttered then looked at Percy, "perhaps I should take the lead?"

Percy only pointed his gun at her head again, "By all means. Easier to keep an eye on you" he said, and he pushed her to continue walking.

Soon, they made to a giant opening, as if they were in a mine. Grog took this moment to inspect Pike's glowing form, by poking her.

"Uh, buddy?"

"Whoa, I mean, you feel real" he said

"I am, Grog" she said, "I'm just..."

"Think of it as if half of her was here" Miel spoke up walking next to them

"Yeah, not entirely here" Pike chuckled

"Right. So it worked?" Grog asked, "I mean, you said sorry?"

"Well, I had things I needed to figure out. And once I did...let's just say I know who I am now"

"Well, duh, you're my best friend" Grog chuckled, "except now, you glow in the dark!"

"So that's what that was" Miel gasped and Pike looked at her, "sorry, I mean...back at the keep, we were talking, I noticed something dark coming off you. I didn't know what it was, so I didn't know how to explain it, so I didn't say anything" Miel explained, "I guess I should have said something"

Pike's eyes widened, "Miel...do you think you can sense dark energy?" she asked and Miel looked at her in confusion, "I can see magical stuff because of the Everlight, but you're a Warlock. So maybe you can sense the negative stuff, like the pepperbox."

"Uh...maybe? I don't know, I mean I sensed you before you arrived. You really think I might be the opposite of you?"

It was then, that Pike started getting the idea of how her friend felt. Her feelings, her magic, her hesitation. To Pike, it was all starting to make sense. She smiled at the Warlock, "I think you're gonna have awesome magic when the time comes, right Grog?"

"Hell yeah! We're all amazing. Me and Pike a bit more, but you know what I mean" he laughed as he hugged Miel, lifting her off the ground but continued walking. At this sight, Vax couldn't help but smile. Whitestone has so far been a nightmare for everyone, but for Miel it has been nothing but negative emotions since they got there.

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