My Lady

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My lady's eyes are red as cind'ring fire;

Red roses rank but second to her cheeks;

A single flap of ragged amber flyers

Will get the gallant others gone for weeks.

Out past the open opal glades, she glides;

My sunshine nearly never treads the ground;

A single laugh, and brave Sir Ludwig hides,

But her enchanting tongue leaves me spellbound.

The ashy breath that from her nostrils pours

Is but the prologue to a ruby blaze;

Th' unfortunate nay-sayer is my horse,

Who skillfully avoids her smold'ring gaze,

But when we have a moment, her and I,

She lifts me up and takes me to the sky. 

Lost Tales of Kirevजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें