The Blood inside you is the Blood inside me Part 26

Start from the beginning

The door opened and both Marcus and Caius came in. "Aro, what is this we heard about another attack. Your voices were raised and my chambers are next door," Caius remarked with an implied apology.

"Two covens, how many more, Aro?" Marcus asked in his usual monotone, although he actually was as worried as everyone else.

"We do not know, brother. Turkey and now China. We must let everyone know. Security will be a top priority. I plan on interviewing the four petitioners just to be sure they are what they say they are." Turning to his mate, Aro asked, "Did you speak with them, my love?

"I did, casually. There seemed nothing amiss in what they said. But I agree. They are not to be trusted until its been proven they can be."


Life at the compound was returning to normal, if high alert could be considered normal. Caius was in charge of making sure all the guards were in constant training. Aro was about to begin his interviews of the new arrivals. He took them one by one into his office, and held the hand of each. His mind sifted through their thoughts and memories deeper than he normally might have. But after minutes of reading each one, Aro concluded they were what they said they were.

He sat at his desk, the four vampires on chairs on the opposite side of the desk. "If you are not aware, there have been two attacks on foreign covens. We are now on high alert. You will be training every day under the tutelage of Felix and Demetri. Follow their instructions without deviation. The Volturi allow no second chances." His eyes met each man and woman with that threat.

Just outside the office door, Felix waited for Aro to finish. Once he released the four petitioners, who would now be recruits, their training would begin immediately. The word among the guards was Volturi headquarters would remain high alert until further notice. Rumours spread around the compound until Aro had no choice but to make an announcement to all the guards.

Once everyone had been assembled, Aro stood atop the dais in the larger throne room.

"As some of you have heard, there have been two attacks against vampire covens in Turkey and China. We have brought with us a survivor of the Turkish attack. He is Eymen. Familiarize him with the castle and our rules. Our newest members have begun training and will be formally inducted into the Guard."

Aro stood and walked down the steps to the main floor. "Our friends the Cullens have many contacts around the world. Carlisle will keep us apprised of any more news." He walked the floor, looking at his guards. " As we know, the Volturi are not the most popular coven on the planet. Therefore we must assume we can be a target at any time. Trust no one. No visitor will be admitted past the reception area without two guards with them. Stay vigilant, dear ones. This could be the start of a coven war."


Aro was in the bathroom preparing for the night's relaxation time. He had chosen several tomes to read on ancient battle strategy, and had asked Caius to do the same, Caius being the true strategist in the coven. Marcus was to find how many covens, small or large, there were, since many remained underground, and were not well know among those in the vampire world. Between the mission to Turkey and the news that greeted him on his arrival home, the Volturi master was experiencing negative emotions he had not felt in a long while. Only the opportunity to bring in gifted vampires to the coven relieved his tension somewhat. And it seemed providential that they arrived now, when the coven might need them most.

Charlotte had changed into her nightgown and was sitting on the bed. Her eyes were looking at nothing in particular, as she tried to feel something, anything. Her compulsions were absent. She needed that guidance to tell her what to do, and the impulse decided to go away? She got up from the bed and paced the floor.

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