The Blood inside you is the Blood inside me Part 24

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The first duty of the day was to bid the Cullens good bye as they prepared to return home to America. The car was brought around from the garage to the back gate, whereupon Felix and Demetri loaded their luggage into the trunk. Carlisle told Aro it wasn't necessary for him and Charlotte to escort them to the airport personally, so the goodbyes were being made out back.

Marcus had given their guests his goodbyes inside. Caius had barely glanced at them as they departed, so pointedly that Charlotte reminded herself to talk to him about that bit of rudeness later.

While Aro spoke with Carlisle, Felix and Demetri joked around with Emmett and Jasper. "You know, you Volturi aren't so bad after all. As for you, Felix, one day I will take you down," Emmett said teasingly.

"You're a glutton for punishment, Cullen, but anytime you want," Felix replied, trying to look grim but failing.

"I have yet been able to bring Felix down, and I know his weaknesses," Demetri said.

"What the hell then." Emmett said. "Tell me!"

Demetri grinned and shrugged, "He has no weaknesses. Sorry."

Jasper grinned too, less enthusiastic about the Volturi, but he commended Demetri on a good match. He bid them goodbye and went to the car to wait for Alice.

"Ok, well then... it was great sparring with you again, big guy." Emmett hooted with laughter, and before long, all three were laughing and punching each other on their arms, until Emmet finally had to go, and climbed into the back seat of the car. He was actually missing Rosalie, and couldn't wait to get home to her.

"Aro, I'm glad we were able to talk as friends again. Charlotte seems to think it's important, but from a personal standpoint, I enjoyed the visit."

Knowing that his friend was being wholly sincere, Aro smiled and offered his hand. "There were few I could speak with and hide nothing, Carlisle." He grinned when Carlisle took his hand in return, aware it was just a handshake and nothing more. They walked to the car, Felix and Demetri now waiting in the front seat.

"Well, back then, you had Marcus, Caius, Athenodora, and the Guard. Now you have Charlotte. Confide in her. Esme has been my life. I don't know what I would have been without her."

Aro nodded, thinking. "You're right, of course, but sometimes, a man needs another man with whom to discuss things."

"True, and I have my sons. Maybe you should think about expanding the family, and not just as guards, Aro," Carlisle suggested, smiling.

Aro had never considered that. He always chose those with gifts that could benefit the coven, not for personal interaction. He wondered, however briefly, what that would be like.

Charlotte was hugging Alice, sad that she was leaving. "It was wonderful having you all back. Next time it will be our turn. If we're welcome."

"Of course, you're always welcome, Charlie. With or without Aro. Thank you for your hospitality too."

"It was a pleasure. Just remember, if you see anything, Alice..."

"It's been so frustrating, Charlie. My visions are foggy these days, as if someone or something is definitely blocking them. I wish..."

"Oh, Alice, I know it must be hard, but I'm sure it will be alright soon enough." She gave Alice one more hug before letting her get in the car. "I hope to see you all again."

"I'll let you know if I do see anything. Good bye, Charlie." Alice sat next to Jasper, with Carlisle behind them.

Everyone waved as the car pulled out the back gate.

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