The Blood inside you is the Blood inside me Part 17

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Charlotte was on her official chair that sat just below Marcus, watching the proceedings in the Throne room. This was a trial pertaining to disobedience of the rule of exposure. Unlike Sarah's case, she felt this was a crime warranting punishment. She observed with pride the execution of the accusations, defense, and judgement. Volturi justice was swift when warranted, but as she had seen, Aro could be merciful as well. At least things moved quickly here, unlike the human justice system in the United States, where the guilty may not even face a court.

The accused vampire had been found guilty and was hastily dispatched. After speaking briefly with Marcus and Caius, Aro stepped down from his chair and went over to speak with Charlotte. All but two of the vampire guard were filing out of the room. Charlotte saw Jane lingering behind, talking with her brother Alec. She whispered in Aro's ear, asking him for some time and telling him she would meet him in the garden. He nodded, and giving his mate a quick kiss, left the room. Charlotte waited in the middle of the room, smiling at Jane, but the smile was not returned. Alec saw Charlotte waiting and spoke to his sister, who merely gave him a nod, their hands touching briefly before he left her.

The young vampire turned to Aro's mate, still unable to understand why her master had chosen this female. "You went to see the Cullens," Jane said in an accusing tone, if not an emotional one.

"Yes, I did, with Master Aro's permission. I would never do anything behind his back, unlike some," Charlotte replied, leveling an accusation of her own at the blonde vampire. "Master Marcus and Felix were with me, but I expect you know that already."

Jane glared at the newborn who had stolen Master Aro's attentions and sought to sway his decisions with her influence.

Charlotte was not impressed. "Aro knows my reasoning for visiting the Cullens, Jane. If he wishes to share that with the coven, that's his choice. If he doesn't, that is also his choice. None of it is your business." She turned on her heel to leave the room. Before she reached the door, she felt a burning pain in her stomach that would have taken her breath away had she been human. The pain was gone in a micro second. She didn't bother looking back at the perpetrator. Instead, she whispered, "Your power means nothing to me, Jane, ", then she left the Throne room.

Charlotte headed for the garden where she and Aro had agreed to meet. Charlotte was furious, but knew she had to release that anger, or Aro might question her. She was not going to tell her mate that Jane had once again used her power on her. This was between her and the insolent Volturi guard member. Charlotte had tried to reach out to Jane, with no success. If Jane wanted war, then war it would be.

She had reached the garden to find Aro walking around, touching the flowers while inhaling their fragrance. Coming up behind him, Charlotte slipped her arms around his waist. "They are beautiful, are they not?"

Aro turned and embraced his mate, kissing her forehead. "Indeed. I see why you like it here so much. So what had you to say to Jane?"

Charlotte smiled, saying, "You think you're so smart."

"I do and I am, my dear," he replied, laughing.

"Well, Aro, this time, I'm not talking. And no, you may not have my hand. This is between Jane and me. I'll handle it. Let it rest, love."

Aro cupped her cheek, then holding her chin, he bent to kiss her deeply. Charlotte's arms wound more tightly around his waist, hands sliding up his back, pulling him as close as possible. She rested her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes. Charlotte wondered how life could be so good on the one hand, and so frustrating on the other.


Once Aro and Charlotte had returned to their chambers, Aro hung up his jacket in his wardrobe. He kicked off his shoes, eager to relax. Trials could be taxing on one's thoughts. He stretched out on the bed, his arms tucked behind his head.

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