Chapter 12

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I had been knocked out for what seemed like hours but in reality it was various days. I woke up to the sound of light beeping and a few noises outside. I was in the hospital.

I sat up to check my surroundings. The room wasn't too small, it had a bathroom and a couch that looked like it was being used as a bed. I thought to myself that I was here alone for the most part and people would just pop in to see if I was awake or even alive. 

I looked down at my arm and realized I had an IV in, It itched like a lot so I fiddled with it a bit to make it less uncomfortable. "hey, stop messing with you IV" a voice projected. I looked up and my eyes were met with Matts. "but it itches," I said weakly. He just smiled. "hey wait." I said as Matt came to take a seat at the end of my bed. "whats up?" he responed softly, "wheres everyone else?" I asked quietly. "they're out. I wanted to stay behind with you." He says. 

I shot him a smile and leaned back, "wait wheres my phone." I said, "oh yea, here." matt says taking my phone out of his pocket and handing it to me, our hands brushed against each others which made me hesitate for some reason. I looked at my phone and the brightness was on 100%, like why. "ew why is my brightness all the way up." I said squinting my eyes and turning the brightness down. Matt chuckled at my remark which made me happy for the most part other than I can't move without screeching in pain. "hey I'll go let the nurse know  that you're awake, ok?" Matt muttered softly. I nodded at his comment and he left the room. 

I sat there on my hospital bed that was rather comfy scrolling through my phone, answering texts and whatnot when the nurse arrived. "hey Delilah, How do you feel?" She asked. "uhh I feel okay I guess. my hip hurts like shit though." I said slowly. "don't worry, its a 100% normal to feel out of it when getting shot in the hip. Its close to your pelvis meaning that the shot could've been deadly." the nurse says taking the IV bag off of its stand. 

"so you're telling me that I could've have been dead if I wasn't taken here when I was?" I asked invested in knowing about what happened. "not exactly" the nurse states. "how so?" I questioned. "well, you were shot more toward your leg rather than your pelvis. Meaning that the damage is less severe where the wound is now rather than closer to your pelvis." the nurse explained. Without me realizing, Matt had walked in and just stood at the door frame. I was too invested in what the Nurse was talking about to realize that Matt was there. "so you're saying that there is less tissue where I got shot which then lessens the internal and external bleeding?" I asked curiously. "exactly, thats why we were able to treat the wound as fast as possible." the nurse says, "but one more thing." she states. I look at her questionably. "we still need to get the bullet out." she mumbled. "the bullet. is inside me still." I said dramatically. "yes, but the procedure isn't a very big one." she stated. "oh come on, I don't want another surgery." I through my head back in irritation. 

"c'mon Ging, It won't be that bad I promise." Matt speaks up walking into the room. I just look at him with a 'you've been here that long' type of look, He just Nods. "He's right Delilah, Its not as bad as it sounds. And if you want we will give you an anaesthetic." The nurse says gabbing a few syringes. "oh nah I don't want a shot." I say flinching. "you need it. It will only take 3 seconds I promise." The nurse says flicking the top of the needle. "Matt hold my hand I'm scared." I said reaching for Matts hand, He complies and grabs hold of my hand. "Just look away ging, its okay." Matt muttered reassuring me that I would be ok. The nurse stuck the needle in and I squeezed Matts hand. "oh wait its not that bad." I realized. "but I'm still scared of needles." I added, Matt and the nurse chuckled.

After the nurse was finished giving me shots, she left Matt and I alone to talk or do whatever. " I don't know what the fuck she gave me but I feel like I'm buzzing." I said staring blankly at a wall. Matt turned his head out of confusion, "I feel so out of it right now." I added. "I think you'll be okay, Im here so don't worry." he said walking back over to my bed and plopping down. I gave him a small smile because well, I don't even know. I was completely buzzed on whatever the nurse gave me. "are you hungry?" Matt spoke up and looking away from him phone and toward me. "yes, I'm starving and I feel high as a kite right now." I laughed. Matt just shook his head an laughed, "do u want Mc Donald's?" he chimed in, "yes, I want chicken nuggets and a fat ass root beer." I muttered. "oh so you're a a root beer typa gal?" Matt asked, "yea and no, I usually go for Pepsi but when I crave root beer I need one." I muttered. "hm relatable except its the other way around." he adds, " I know exactly what you mean but it made no sense at all." I said. we just stared at each other awkwardly until I laughed. "I feel so buzzed its embarrassing." I say throwing my head in my hands and chuckling. "don't worry it will go away sooner or later" Matt adds. "ok the food is almost here and it will take me 5 minutes to find were the door is so I'm leaving now. lol" He said. "you say lol out loud too?" I said, "yes." He replied. I nod in respond and shot him two thumbs up as he walked out of the room. 

Man was he cute. 

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