"Cut it out, Dean. I have work to do." I huff, reaching for the book again as he pulls it back further.

"No can do Evy. You're gonna have to try a lot harder to get this back." He taunts as my face heats up in annoyance.

I reach for the book again, taking him by surprise at my speed before ripping it out of his hands and jumping further onto the queen sized bed curling into a ball around the book to protect it from the hands of Dean again.

"Evy no! You are gonna have fun with me like it or not." He exclaimed, kicking off his boots and crawling up the bed to where I was before using my biggest weakness and tickling me.

"No, Dean, stop! Stop!" I exclaimed in between laughter, feeling my grip on the book loosen before he grabbed it from my grasp and held it up again.

"No fair!" I yelled, reaching for the book again before giving up and collapsing on the mattress, still laughing and too out of breath to fight for a silly book.

Dean continued to chuckle. "I love it when your face gets all red like that."

I felt the tips of my ears go red as well from the tone he used suddenly, becoming very aware of his legs on both sides of me pinning my body to the mattress.

The energy in the room seemed to switch into something foreign as we both felt it, and our laughter subsided, the grey of my eyes catching his deep green ones.

I've never been so close to Dean Winchester that I could notice the gold flakes sprinkled throughout the green or the light freckles he held on the tip of his nose.

The room was silant except for the sound of our heavy breathing as his eyes flicked from my gaze to my lips as he brought himself down closer to me.

His soft lips came down onto mine, making my heart skip a beat at the feeling that came with it.

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about what it would be like to put my lips onto his, but nothing in my imagination could create what it felt like.

A moment passed of the sweet, delicate feeling until the air started to grow thicker around as Dean threw the lore book behind us onto the nightstand, and the kiss deepened both of us hungry for more.

Dean's lips pulled off of mine, and i almost spoke up to protest, but instead, i was silanced as he made his way to my neck where he seemed to make me feel things I never had before.

I pulled my arms from below me and wrapped them around his neck, digging my fingertips into the short hair on his head as he kissed along my neck releasing the sexual tension that has grown over the years between us.

"Dean," I let out his name in a moan as he found my sweet spot working delicately on it just to tease me more.

"See, I told you we'd have some fun." His gruff voice whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine before sucking on the lobe of my ear, making me let out another moan feeding into his movements.

My hands moved from his neck to the hem of his shirt, pulling up on the soft fabric. He gathered what I was trying to do and sat up on my hips he was straddling before pulling off his shirt and throwing it down on the motel floor.

Breathless as I looked up at his chiseled form riddled with scars from hunts, his lips turned into a devilish smirk. "Your turn, Evy."

I put on a smirk of my own and pulled my shirt off before Dean pulled the rest off for me and threw it down with his as I now laid in only my black bra with his eyes running over me like a wild animal.

"You gonna do something, Winchester, or do i have to take it from here?" I asked with a cheeky grin as he came back down onto me, putting his lips on mine like a starved man as I felt the bulge in his jeans now pressed into my jean shorts.

Beloved With Green Eyes 𖣔 Dean Winchester Where stories live. Discover now