After closing the kitchen doors, making sure not to wake Sam, my hands worked away, following the directions in my head as the food started to slowly come together.

I have always loved cooking ever since I found out my mom was an inspiring chef before she had met my dad and fell into the hunter life. It somehow gave me the connection to her I so desperately wanted.

The bacon sizzled in the pan, making the whole house smell like heaven and hoping that the smell would draw the older Winchester inside from wherever he was at.

My heart skipped a beat hearing the kitchen doors slide open, but it went back to its normal rhythm after seeing that it was just Sam who had a sleepy and confused look on his face.

"Morning Sammy," I smiled, turning back to my task at hand. "Take a seat. It's almost done."

A beat went past before he spoke. "You're cooking breakfast?" Be questioned as I turned back to him with knitted brows.

"Yes, Sam, I'm cooking. Like I always have." I respond in an obvious tone, shaking my head at the odd response.

"I didn't mean it like that - it's just that I figured you'd be more…" he struggled to find the right word.

"Depressed?" I finished for him as he gave a sheepish shrug.

I thought about it for a moment before bringing the bacon over on a plate, setting it with the rest of the food.

"I guess if I just keep myself moving, there's a lot less to think about." I bit my lip, setting an empty plate in front of the boy and one for myself.

He chuckled and started to fill up his plate, making me narrow my eyes with a slight smile following suit to him.

"What's so funny, Sam?" I asked as he grabbed us both forks from the drawer.

"Being around you and Dean again, it's made me remember how alike you both are." He chuckled as I gave a blank stare at his words.

"I think that's the worst thing you've ever said to me, I'm hurt." I put a hand to my heart as he smiled at my words and took a bite of the food.

He paused for a moment before taking another huge bite. "I've missed your cooking so much," he exclaimed with a mouth full of food, making all his words mesh together.

I chuckled as he continued to dive into the plate. "Don't choke, I don't know CPR."

My laughter came to an abrupt stop when I heard the sound of the door open and softly shut being followed by the sound of heavy boots coming our way.

Sam continued to eat, seemingly blocking out all other things as Dean peaked around the corner coming into view of Sam and I.

"Dude Evy made breakfast." Sam pointed towards all the food as he avoided my eyes.

"Not really hungry," he said blankly, staring at the hoodie I had on before walking past us to grab a cup of coffee and walking back out to the door without another glance my way.

The door opened and slammed shut as Sam stopped eating and looked up at me with knitted brows. "What was that?"

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of the coffee. "Your brother's impossible."

He nodded in agreement to that and finished the last bite of his food as I pushed mine back, losing my appetite.

Noticing my actions, Sam stood up and grabbed mine and his plates, taking them over to the sink. "I'll do the dishes," he offered.

"Thanks, Sammy." I smiled and lightly kissed his cheek before filling  up two plates for Dean and Bobby even though the older Winchester denied the food. I knew that he was hungry.

"I'm gonna take this out for Dean." I grabbed the plate and left out the door, making my way to the garage where I knew he'd be.

The radio was back on, and quiet music streamed out of it while Dean stood at the tool bench looking over a part he held.

"Brought this out to you." I set the plate down beside him and took a few steps back.

"I said I wasn't hungry." He replied, pulling a piece off the part, ignoring my eyes.

"We both know that's a lie." I told him, crossing my arms to match the attitude he was giving me.

The sun was now up higher, making the morning glow radiate the blonde in his hair that you could only see in direct sunlight.

"I know it's too little too late but…" I started as his movements stopped. "For what it's worth now, I never meant to hurt you, Dean."

He smacked the piece on the bench and turned to me. "You don't get to apologize, Evy! You don't get to come back here cooking breakfast and wearing that sweater like nothing ever happened between us when we both know that's miles from the truth." He narrowed his eyes at me with a furious look in them.

"That's not fair, Dean." I shook my head and cursed myself for wearing this particular sweater or even more so for forgetting what significance it held.

"After what happened that night, I told you how I felt about you." He looked into my eyes as I relived the day in my mind. "I put myself on the line that day, and you left me for it all to go off and get engaged to the first guy you cross paths with?"

I flinch at his mention of Andy when the wound was very much still fresh in my mind, but a different type of hurt pushed him aside.

"Dean, I wasn't ready for that! You and I both know now we were too young to deal with those things."

He shook his head and rolled his lips. "Yeah, well, it happened anyway, and you were the one to run away–not me."

I scoffed in disbelief, holding back tears that I've worked so hard to keep at bay when it came to this topic.

"You don't think that what happened was hard on me too?" I choked out. "You're a selfish bastard Dean Winchester."

A tear fell from my eyes and rolled down my cheek as I turned to leave, wanting to put as much distance between him and I as possible.

"Evelyn, wait -" he called out and grabbed my wrist, which I pulled back just as fast.

"Don't touch me," I hissed and continued away from him, unable to stop the trails of tears running down my face as memories filled my brain.


Short chapter today! but there is gonna be another one out soon, and this next one is gonna knock your socks off😏

And I also hope you guys are liking the content, and if anyone knows any tips on how to get a fic more well know PLEASE let me know because I feel like I should be doing more.

Love you all so much 🫶🫶


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