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Tuesday, May, 20th, Present year (2023) 4:35 PM

i got me a boyfriendddddddddddddd yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 

"hey Cea-"

"Hey maria"

"hey by the way i need your number so i can text u"

"alr its 123****************"

"okay thanks mine is 123************"

"kay love you"

i kissed caesar on like lips and told him i got to get home

"love you  see you tomorrow bye"

"love you too Cea-"

you walked to the freemans to get your things so you can get back home

"what's good nigga"

"hey reezy"

"hi kam

"hello domestic terrorist"

"ima get my stuff cuz im bout to go home"

"ight nigga


"hey Huey what book u reading"

"I know the Caged Bird Sing"

"By Maya Angelou?"


"Alr yall ill see yall... idk when but ill see yall when i see yall huey can you tell grandad thank you when you see him and ty riley for letting me sleep in ur room or whatever"

"No problem Ma"

"Wait Riley did u just call me Ma"


"oMG yOu LiKe mE"

"no i like c-murph"

"oOOooOh i knew i would let you spill"  "Bet im telling her"

"she knows she likes me too she told me when we fucked"


"anywaysss bye nigga"

"bye reezy"

"goodbye Kamaria"

"bye huey"

i walked out the door like a bad bitch like always ;D 

i got my stuff and ran to my room to my wonderful fluffy bed so you went to sleep

7:10 PM


i woke up and stretched to the amazing smell of fettuccine alfredo my mama can barley cook so i knew my grandma HoneyBun was Here i called her that, her real name is Esmeralda though..(Tyler the Creator reference iykyk)

i rubbed my eyes changed to my home clothes cuz i cant walk around in my day/school clothes 

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𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊 (Riley Freeman x Oc)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя