•Great Book•

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I get ready for a long day of studying ahead for one of the most important exams of my life. My blonde hair tied back messily, baggy murky green cargos and a matching green jacket. I pair this outfit with my black and white Jordans. Some lip gloss to make myself feel nice and a lovely peach perfume. Before I left the house, I went to see my old man to let him know I'd be gone for a while. He sat on his chair alone watching his favourite show, bulls eye. My dad really is the only person in my life that hasn't let me down, along with my grandma, but dad has always had my back .

"Good luck, Ellie, have a good day," my dad reaches up to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before I leave the house.

It's only me and my dad, it's only ever been me and my dad really. My mom passed away when I was 7, my brother moved out as soon as he could to pursue his acting career he so desperately wanted. I don't think he realised how much it would hurt dad when he left; we had a rough few months of adjusting to life without my brother here because dad felt unsure of Kyle wanting to pursue this 'dream' of his. It's understandable but I just reminded him that he always had us to fall back on if anything went wrong with it. I can't imagine what he'd do if anything bad happened to me or Kyle..

I left my house and walked towards the driveway getting into my trusty ole ford sierra and drove my way down to the library I recently started studying at. The library was placed, quite frankly, in the middle of nowhere- the only thing that surrounded it was trees and rivers. You're probably thinking, gee why'd they build a library in the middle of nowhere? Well the answer to that is, the library is in an all boys prep school. Which was really the only downside. I don't mind driving all the way out here because to be honest I love the area and this library is just my favourite I've came across. But the fact it's an all boys school makes me overthink about what all the boys there think about when the look at me, one of about 4 females that visit this school.

At the minute though thats not what I should worry about due to the fact my end of year exam is coming up faster by the minute. I'm only 2 days away from this and I still have like 3 more topics to go over. So much damn work.


With 13 minutes left of the library I've decided to unwind by reading an old book I read in high school, The Outsiders, one of my favourite classics. I sat in a calm area where there seemed to be nobody until a stranger walked in the area and sat on the sofa opposite me. I found this a bit weird due to the fact there was other spaces to sit and he was the first person to sit in this area.

I peeped above my book a few times to take a few glimpses of the guy ahead of me. He was beautiful..

He had brown freshly cut hair, it looked super soft and shiny- I followed down to his eyes and he looked down at his book but I could make out those dreamy doe eyes.. his plump lips..

"Hello.." he clears his throat and puts his book down.

Thats when I realised how hard I was staring.

"Hi, sorry! Uh-" I try stumble for words because I didn't know what to say to a guy I had quite clearly been gawking at- and then he said

"Good book."

"Huh?" Is all my stupid ass can say.

"The Outsiders. Excellent choice, it really is a simple yet effective story." The guy says smiling.

"Oh yeah. The book I'm reading- yes, Ponyboy really went through it didn't he, poor guy deserves a break-" I said jokingly.

"Yeah- He kinda does."

We were then interrupted by a security man telling us the library was shutting, "Time to go you two"

"See you around?" He asks.

"I don't know..Maybe, but I study here a lot!" I reply and gather all my stuff and put it all in my back pack, "I'll be back tomorrow.."

I smiled at him and my smile grew as a walked away to my car. I don't know why this stranger made me feel this way, I don't even know his name for christ's sake! Geez, I gotta get a grip.. I open my car and look back at the school behind me, I can't wait to come back tomorrow, I thought.

I sat in my car and then set off home.


When I got home my dad was cooking a meal for the two of us, likely an Italian cuisine, it's always been a favourite of ours. I made my way to kitchen after dropping my stuff off in the foyer. In the kitchen I hear some old music (always a bit of Frank Sinatra or Elvis with dad). Blue suede shoes played as he pours a bit of red wine into the pan, he shuffle dances around the kitchen. He spots me and makes his way to me to take my hands and make me dance with him. I feel my smile getting wider and definitely toothier as he twirls me around the kitchen. He sings along to the song, sits me down at the table and gets ready to serve us the meal.

"Bobobobi-" he sings along with the bass-" Dinner is served."

"Thank you Dad." I giggle at him.

"So, what's happened today," he pours us both some water then finally sits down opposite me.

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him about the boy but I just didn't seem to say anything about him.

"Well I got my studying in..Read an old book,The Outsiders, and then made my way back home," I eat some pasta,"Home to my crazy dad dancing around the kitchen."

"Oh don't flatter me Ellie, you know I like my Elvis! "He laughs and I do too.

That night was full of laughs, we sat down and watched a movie then went to bed. Secretly I was thinking about the boy. He was all that was in my head, he couldn't seem to leave.

-12:34pm-Next Day-

New day new outfit, today I wore a guns n roses tank top paired with light jean shorts and white converse. My dad didn't let me leave without a jacket though as he was worried I would get cold, so I stole one if his fluffy jackets.

I was in the library when the guy sat opposite me at my study table.

"Hey-" he says pushing my book down so I face him,"Wanna chat?"

"Well I guess I have no choice," I smiled along.

"I guess I should tell you my name then huh?" He also smiles, such a beautiful smile,"Joey, I'm Joey Trotta!" He says .

"Eleanor Hudson, everyone calls me Ellie or Elle though- feel free to call me what you want!" I say that because I don't really care what you call me as long as you aren't a dick about it.

"It's coming up to dinner, would you like to be treated to some delicious cafeteria food?" He asks and almost cringes at the thought of the cafeteria food.

"Well how could I deny such amazing food Joey Trotta?"

We both laugh, I close up my books and notebook, I pack them into my bag and swing it over my back and carry my dad's hoodie. After that he takes me through the school to the cafeteria.

"Be aware my friends are in here and we just met but I'm sure we'll be good friends all together," he warns me.

"It's fine, you seem cool so how bad can your friends be, right?" I say with optimism.

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