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A car can be seen driving through the woods at night as we can see our protagonist, Y/N Argento. He is currently on a rescue mission to rescue his sister who had recently gone missing. As he is driving through the woods to the village he looks at the picture of his little sister that he had of her. He was praying that nothing bad had happened to her.

Y/N(mind): Asia. Hang on sis. I'm coming.

He then arrives in the woods as he notices a odd post sign as he gets out of the car and brings his pistol with him and puts his coat on. He then looks around the woods and takes out his phone and clicks on his sisters location. It showed that she was inside the village somewhere. As he was about to walk he then noticed lights appeared behind him as he quickly turned around and noticed a cop car.

Y/N(mind): Shit. What did I do?

One of the cops then exit out of the vehicle as he pointed his flashlight at me.

Cop 1: Hey kid. What are you doing out here???

Y/N: What's it to you?

Cop 1: Look kid. I'm a cop, I'm sure I can help you but you need to tell me what your doing here at this specific place.

Y/N: Look im not trying to trespass or anything I'm just here because the gps says my sister is here. She was kidnapped and went missing a week ago, i tracked her here.

Cop 1: Hmmm. So your looking for someone to huh?

Y/N: Huh

Cop 1: Hey Rookie, get out here.

I then noticed the backseat door open as i noticed a guy in a winter coat.

???: What'd you need me for?

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???: What'd you need me for?

Cop 1: Guess what. This kid says he's looking for someone to.

The guy then looked at me as he walked towards me.

???: What's your name kid?

Y/N: Y/N Argento. You?

Leon: I'm Leon Kennedy. So your looking for someone to huh?

Y/N: Y-yeah. You too?

Leon: Yeah.

Cop 1: Leon, why don't you go with the kid and see if you can help find the person then.

Leon: Right. Let's go kid.

Y/N: Right behind you.

They then start walking through the woods as they both noticed a dead reindeer with its organs cut out.

Y/N: Ugh. Jesus what the hell happened to that deer?

Leon: Maybe a Wolf killed it. Who knows, we are in the woods after all.

Y/N: Yeah. I guess that's true.

They keep walking until they eventually made it to some sort of cabin.

Resident evil 4 x Male Reader x Highschooldxd Where stories live. Discover now